Demo usage example, using
in the sqliteimport repository:
# Ensure sqliteimport is installed with the 'cli' extra.
pip install sqliteimport[cli]
# Install 'requests' in a standalone directory.
pip install --target=sample requests
# Generate a sqlite database containing the installed packages.
sqliteimport bundle sample sample.sqlite3
# Demonstrate that importing from a database works.
python sample.sqlite3
This is the output:
$ python
The requests module object:
<module 'requests' (sample.sqlite3)>
Requesting a webpage...success!
The database format is likely to change as the project matures.
The sqliteimport logo and banner build on others' work.
The package in the logo is Emoji 1F4E6 and is designed by OpenMoji, the open-source emoji and icon project.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
The feather in the logo is Emoji 1FAB6 and is designed by OpenMoji, the open-source emoji and icon project.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
The phrase "sqlite import" in the banner uses the Dancing Script v2.031 font, designed by Pablo Impallari.
License: SIL Open Font License, v1.1
The phrase "Import Python code from sqlite databases" in the banner uses the Noto Sans font, designed by the Noto Project.
License: SIL Open Font License, version 1.1
The logo and banner were pieced together using Inkscape.
License: GNU GPL, version 2