This code provides a fully Python implementation of Auto-Encoders using different back-propagation algorithms and different cost functions.
The library is intended to be omni-purpose, but is developed for astrophysical applications.
Warning: this is undocumented work in progress! You're welcome to contact me if interested or if you have any comments, but don't expect anything useable in here for now.
previous version: 20160511
Main changes:
- (feature/20160603) Added sparsity constraint
- (feature/20160531) Included dropout, but perfromance seems to be very low
- (feature/20160530) dA configured in L2 error now handles ReLU activation functions, gd and cd1 should be fine too, dautoencoder and autoencoder are changed as well.
- (fix) Adding gaussian noise now normalised.
- (note/20160531) The normalisation is very important in the case of the AE, not so much in the case of the PCA. If the normalisation factors change by a small fraction, results may degrade very fast.
Known issues:
- Multilayered AEs seem to perform badly on PSFs, but nicely on MNIST. Is that because the PSFs are too simple? For now this seems the best explanation.
- Are dropouts working as they should?