- My name is Katherine Trammell
- Who am I?
- What do I do?
- Meet the Teaching Assistant(s)
- What the final project will look like (http://ktrammell95.github.io/tiy-kids/)
- What is HTML?
- What is CSS?
- How to create an HTML and CSS documents using Atom
- How to see your work using Chrome or another web browser
- What are HTML tags/ elements?
- Building a webpage from scratch
- How to style a website using CSS
- What tools are out there to help you learn?
What is HTML?
- HTML is HyperText Markup Language
- Markup is what HTML tags do to the text inside them.
- Tags are what separate normal text from HTML code.
- Tags themselves don’t appear when you view your age through a browser, but their effects do.
What is CSS?
- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet
- A style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language
Learn how Legos and coding are alike
Introduction to CodePen.io (http://codepen.io/)
Learn about basic tags to get us started
Example of how to design a webpage
- Decide what topic you would like to build your page about
- Your family
- Your pet
- Your favorite sport/ activity
- Your favorite food
- Make it about something you enjoy!
- Think about colors you might like to use
- Need inspiration try:
- W3C Color Picker, http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp
- Colourlovers, http://www.colourlovers.com/
- Need inspiration try:
- Decide what topic you would like to build your page about
- Quick review of Week 1
- Reference site (http://ktrammell95.github.io/tiykids-reference/)
- Getting started on our website
- Lorem Ipsum
- Intro to IDs and Classes
- Quick review of Week 2
- Quick review of Week 3
- Quick review of Week 4
- Finishing up our page
Tags, Styling and more
- W3C, http://www.w3schools.com/
- Reference site, http://ktrammell95.github.io/tiykids-reference/
Online coding without Atom or another program
- CodePen.io, http://codepen.io/
- JSbin, http://jsbin.com/
Shortening links
- Tiny URL, http://tinyurl.com/
Picking Colors
- W3C Color Picker, http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp
- Colourlovers, http://www.colourlovers.com/
- Color picker: http://www.colorpicker.com/
Getting fake text to use while you work on your page
- Lorem Ipsum, http://www.lipsum.com/
- Cat Ipsum, http://www.catipsum.com/
- Bacon Ipsum, http://baconipsum.com/
- Veggie Ipsum, http://veggieipsum.com/
- Baseball Ipsum, http://baseballipsum.apphb.com/
- Pirate Ipsum, http://pirateipsum.me/
- Space Ipsum, http://spaceipsum.com/
Getting fancy with Styling / CSS Generators
- Box-shadows/ Border-Radius/ Gradients and more, http://www.cssmatic.com/
- Border Radius/ Box Shadow/ Text Shadow/ RGBA/ and more, http://css3generator.com/
- Gradients, http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/
- CSS Maker is a free tool to experiment with CSS properties and values and generate a simple stylesheet for your site, http://enjoycss.com/
- Button generator, http://css3buttongenerator.com/
Online Learning
- Free Code Camp, http://freecodecamp.com/
- Pluralsight Basic HTML for Kids, http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/teaching-kids-basic-html