All the resources (such as: annotation file, parsed tweet file, the bing liu sentiment lexicons...) should be placed in a folder named data
inside this project.
This is because it is the default value in the parser. It is annoying to add all those options!
In order to reproduce the results run:
python --tweets-file ./data/dataset/tweet_for_dp.txt.predict --annotations ./data/dataset/TweetsAnnotation.txt -c lr_h
--rm-url --stem --bingliusent --depsent --negwords --bigramsent --unigramsent --subjscore --sentnet --argscores --scale --class-weights --optim-single
python >= 3x
pandas >= 0.22.0
nltk >= 3.2.5
hunspell >= 0.5.3
sklaern >= 0.19.1