This website will allow the user to enjoy happy hour to the fullest by providing a countdown to happy hour, cocktail recipes, and nearest bars to the user's current location.
This site was made using the following front-end technologies: -HTML -CSS -MATERIALIZE -JQUERY -JAVASCRIPT -MOMENT.JS -LOCAL STORAGE -THIRD PARTY APIs: Cocktail DB, Yelp, Geolocation
Initially, the user will be asked: 1. if the browser can use their location in order to find the nearest bars to the user (click "allow") and 2. to verify that the user is 21+ (click 'Yes I am 21+').
To search for a cocktail recipe, type a cocktail name into the search box:
The user will see their results listed in the field below the search bar. Use the scroll bar in the results field to scroll through the list of cocktail results:
Previously searched cocktails are listed in the list titled "Your Recently Searched Cocktails":
The nearest bars will automatically populate in the list titled "Cocktail Bars near [your location]" if the user has allowed access to their location:
This page features a cocktail search with results, a list of nearest bars to the user's location, a recent searches nav, mobile responsiveness and a countdown to happy hour! The recently searched cocktails are stored in local storage.