gc_spyu is being rewritten for yapapi 0.9. it is not usable at the latest tag v0.1.3. thank you for your patience.
espy cpu model information from specific providers and persistently store for later retrieval.
The current Golem network conceals the model information of providers. While obtaining model specifications is possible utilizing the yapapi repository examples (Golem code), it only randomly selects providers. gc_spyu solves this problem of only random specifications by facilitating the procurement of specific provider's (cpu) model information.
For information on the global supercomputer that is Golem and how to run or engineer apps on it, visit https://www.golem.network
For a listing of providers to inspect, visit https://stats.golem.network or invoke my gc__listoffers (https://github.com/krunch3r76/gc__listoffers)
$ git clone https://github.com/krunch3r76/gc_spyu.git
$ cd gc_spyu
(gc_spyu)$ git checkout v0.1.3
(gc_spyu)$ python3 -m venv myvenv # python3.9 or python3.8
(gc_spyu)$ . myvenv/bin/activate
(myvenv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(gc_spyu)$ git fetch
From github.com:krunch3r76/gc_spyu
d87b579..01f72be master -> origin/master
* [new tag] v0.1.3 -> v0.1.3
(gc_spyu)$ git checkout master
(gc_spyu)$ git checkout --hard HEAD
(gc_spyu)$ git pull
(gc_spyu)$ git clean -dfx
(gc_spyu)$ git checkout v0.1.3
(myvenv)$ ./gc_spyu.py --spy <space delimited list of nodes>
(myvenv)$ ./gc_spyu.py --spy etam q53
(myvenv)$ ./gc_spyu.py --disable-logging --subnet-tag public-beta --spy collossus odra whirlwind
(myvenv)$ GNPROVIDER=['0x3dd491','0xcef890','etam'] ./gc_spyu
If the script fails to run and you see errors including:
ValueError: loop argument must agree with lock
AttributeError: 'SmartQueue' object has no attribute '_new_items'
please use a version of Python < 3.10.
python3.9 -m venv myvenv
# etc
utils.py from yapapi examples was utilized to start the Golem process and help manage exceptions. To see the original code, browse: https://github.com/golemfactory/yapapi/blob/master/examples/utils.py
data_directory.py module to get a cross-platform specific data directory was adapted from code shared by an Honest Abe on a discussion at: https://www.py4u.net/discuss/161917
Stay tuned for gc_listoffers interop (some interop already implied by filterms).