This is hopefully the start of a really awesome custom tool for my own personal RE work.
cmake -B build
cmake -G Ninja -B build
ninja -C./build
# or if you just want to build the tests
ninja XED_TEST Disassembler_TEST
- Using Ninja
cmake -GNinja -Bbuild
ninja -C./build
cmake -B build
msbuild build\Disassembler.sln -t:Build -p:Configuration=Release
- Catch2
- CmdParser
- Capstone
- XED (optional)
- nasm
- mingw-w64
- Ubuntu :
apt-get install nasm mingw-w64
- MacOS :
brew install nasm mingw-w64
- Windows:
choco install nasm mingw
echo 0x55488b05b8130000 | xargs ./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i
./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i 0x55488b05b8130000
./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i 55488b05b8130000
./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i "0x 55 48 8b 05 b8 13 00 00"
./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i "55 48 8b 05 b8 13 00 00"
./disasm --binary -f /bin/ls
./disasm --binary -f src/test/hello.linux.out -d build/plugins/xedPlugin/
./disasm --raw -a x86_64 -i 0x55488b05b8130000 -d build/plugins/xedPlugin/
- build:
docker build -t disassembler:latest .
- run:
docker run --name test_vm -it disassembler:latest
- Switch compiler
- in the process of building this project i've found differences between clang and gcc. First step I try is to swap the compilers
cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -B build
- Build with Debug symbols
- If you need unoptimized replace -O3 with -O0 whereever you find CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. If you don't just run below
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -B build
- Check for Dwarf Version
readelf --debug-dump=info build/src/cli/disasm | grep "Version" | uniq
- OS X
- Linux
- Windows
- flags
- input/output files
- input
- output
- elf/pe/mach-O
- mach-O
- elf
- pe
- add support for more disassemblers (compare output)
- Allow for dynamic loading of disassemblers (plugin model)