Emacs + Org-mode Config along with optimizations
Emacs + Org-mode Config along with optimizations for Arch running i3 as the window manager and a minimal browser like qute or Firefox with vimium.
Use as is at your own peril as this is a completely mouseless setup and WILL DEFINITELY not work on your local machine, unless you make some tweaks.
This is by no means a complete config. I plan on adding stuff to it as I go.
Read for yourself and pick and choose stuff you want to use in your own config.
I plan on including my chemacs emacs-bootlaoder setup soon as well.
This repo automatically updates itself everytime I make a change in my config.
My current setup is:
- Arch with i3-gaps on dual monitors. Another headless machine running a bare-metal setup of Arch, that I can ssh into and offload some resource intensive tasks when needed.
- Emacs with evil-mode along with some custom key-maps
- Orgmode for my Zettelkasten
- Joplin for Journaling and non-technical note-taking
- Org-babel for running all of this config
- Emacs (obviously). Version 27.1 Compiled from source
- fzf
- ripgrep
- Inhibit the hideous start up message
- Disable scroll bar
- Disable too bar
- Disable tooltips
- Gives breating room by extending boundaries
- Disable menu bar
- Set up visual bell
- Config fonts [Fira Code Retin, Cantarell, Source Code Pro, Cascadia Code Pro]
- Load a doom theme
- Remap Escape to Quit
- Install use-package
- Setup melpa
- Add org mode hooks
- Set up Ivy
- Install icons
- Setup doomline-mode
- Setup rainbow delimiters
- Setup which-key
- Setup ivy-rich
- Install counsel
- Setup helpful
- Setup General
- Add evil-hooks
- Setup evil mode
- Setup Hydra
- Setup Projectile
- Setup magit
- Org-mode Config
There's more to come.