This is an application developed in the scope of my thesis application with subject "Tourist-relevant data extraction from public APIs".
After reading the instructions below you will have a running tomcat server instance serving an API consumed by the Android client.
You need to have installed Java 8 at least.
- Clone the repository from github.
- From the root of the project,
cd tripassistant-api
- Run
./gradlew buid
from UNIX system orgradlew.bat build
from Windows system. - Change directory back to the root of the project and run
cd tripassistant-client
- Run
./gradlew buid
from UNIX system orgradlew.bat build
from Windows system. - After successfully building both projects, a runnable jar is produced under ~/tripassistant-api/build/libs/tripassistant-api-{version}-SNAPSHOT.jar and an apk file under ~/tripassistant-client/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk