🛠 Build
- 6083ddd build: Update release configuration
- 0732f8f build: Update to Gradle 8.8
- 2fbcc78 build: Update GH workflows
- 5156a10 build: Add VERSION file
- d5a2804 build: Configure explicit Java module descriptor
- a0e37f9 build: Update badges in README
- 9745658 build: Upddate GH workflows
- 993e5fd build: Publish SBOMs
- ca483e4 build: Add release configuration
- 1444eab build: Update build settings
⚙️ Dependencies
- fcddf1f Update commons-lang3 to 3.14.0
- 1665f28 Update slf4j to 2.0.13
- 9ad5786 Update jacoco to 0.8.12
- 32eb76e Releasing version 3.1.0
- e4eb52b [build] Update license headers [skip ci]
- fd3aa24 Update build settings
- a731a2e Update build
- 89caf94 Update build
- 61eeda6 Fix dependency versions
- 05d3df1 Update build settings
We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions:
- Andres Almiray (@aalmiray)