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Install packages:

yarn install

Start Firebase emulator:

yarn emulator

Start development mode:

yarn dev

Start storybook for component development

yarn storybook

Create a new component from a template*

yarn create

*You'll be promted to enter a name for the component, it'll then be intialized in src/compontents/{componentName} with addional templates for tests and storybook.


  • React
  • Next.js
  • Storybook
  • Scss modules
  • Jest & Enzyme
  • Eslint & Prettier


Note: Storybook is outdated an has not been updated in a while.

For the Jest intergration to work, a jest test has to be run to generate .jest-test-results.json.

For propTables to be rendered in the (only visible in Storybook), it has to include <!-- PROPS -->

Accessing storybook on feature branch:

Using the Next.js API Routes

See src/pages/api/, Next.js now offers folder based API routes. Use [ ] for dynamic variables like ../api/user/[id].js Visit http:localhost:3000/api/user/1 get the response.


Prisma todo:


Mixture of firebase and iron-session. Bypass firebase on localhost by setting FIREBASE_EMULATOR=1 in .env.local

Firebase authentication emulator


Start: yarn emulator it will set FIREBASE_EMULATOR=1.





All published cards


Find cards by user_name, first_name, last_name, experience title, description and published.





Get all usernames.




  • body = { ssn, userName, firstName, lastName, email, website?, phoneNumber? , postalCode?, streetName?, city?, country? }


  • body = { title?, description?, years?, months?, published? }






  • body = { ssn?, userName?, firstName?, lastName?, email?, website?, phoneNumber? , postalCode?, streetName?, city?, country? }


  • body = { title?, description?, years?, months?, published? }


  • Sagas for side effects (i.e. API requests)

    An API request will have 3 actions: REQUEST, SUCCESS and FAILURE all with a seperated action type:

  { type: 'FETCH_USERS_FAILURE', error: 'Failed' }
  { type: 'FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS', response: { ... } }


Update Storybook to 6.0 I disabled to storybook build for the feature branch "build": "next build && yarn storybook:build" Wasn't able to get it to build properly, next automatcly sets "jsx": "preserve" on every build and storybook wouldn't properly build typscript unless with "jsx": "react". Putting a tsconfig in the .storybook folder that extends the root config didn't work eiter.

Zero typescript config and other migrations notes:


Logged out

  • /
  • /leit
  • /askrift
  • /{userName}
  • /innskra
  • /nyskra

Logged in

  • /
  • /leit
  • /{userName}
  • /profill

Auth process documentation


  • There is a recaptcha hooked up to Firebase. recaptchaVerifier is stored in window PhoneNumberForm:

  • User enters phonenumber

  • User enters verification code they got from their phone.

  • window.recaptchaVerifier used to firebase.auth().signInWithPhoneNumber then confirmationResult is added to window


  • Phonenumber is checked in Firebase Authentication database.

  • If phonenumber exists: GO TO LOGIN

  • Else:

  • CreateUser endpoint called

  • mutateUser for useSwr with instant revalidation.

  • route pushed to REGISTER:/nyskra



  • If errors: send to /innskra


  • Call useAuth:register, which calls EditUser endpoint.
  • Push to /profill


  • Fetch userData from db with GetUserByPhoneNumber
  • use userData to call login endpoint called with firebase token Authorization header
  • iron-session set.
    • updateAuthState with isLoggedIn flag and userData object.
  • endpoint adds to iron-session info about the user + db set.
  • route pushed to profile


Destroy iron-session and firebase session.


-[] Create cleanup function that cleans up window stuff after succesful login / register


create cypress test for every endpoint,

all-usernames called multiple times

fix button loading state, onhover

Remove innskra button from /nyskra. How to clear userSession that has not been finalized ( in /nyskra state with isLoggedIn: false)

dont need to save user info if nothing was changed, api being called for no chanegs

fix carousel on in smaller screensizes.

Create cleanup function that cleans up window stuff after succesful login / register

dont need to save user info if nothing was changed, api being called for no chanegs

What happens if the firebase session stops and session storage userSession is still ongoing? What happens if the user reacesh the register screen - clears the session storage and then refreshes and try again.

Nice to have:

Make baseUrl dynamic for Cypress so I can run it with a "production" build - the test outcomes are to unstable with hotreload on. Random failures.

Cypress tests to add:

User deletes himself. User registers, logsout, logs in again. Admin edits user. Admin deletes users.


Schema (re)uploaded villa: Tóks að laga þegar ég breytti database/index DATABASE_URL í eitthvað sem virkaði ekki, generateaði. Breytti svo til baka. generate,migrate,push

Phone number dilemmas

In Prisma, there is a userPhoneNumber table with phoneNumber and countryCodeExtension. Because of how phone numbers are stored in Firebase, it's better that phoneNumber (should be fullPhoneNumber or just move it to User tables), includes the country code. Note that the mock seed data seperates them, TODO.