Machine vision algorithm utilized for damage inspection of the cutting inserts used in lathe machine. Project utilizes hybrid approach to the image classification by using "clasical" and deep learning algorithms. Program is prepared for smart camera ADLINK NEON 2000 more_info .
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Project Development
- Setup
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Google Colab
- Project enables vision controll of the cutting inserts usage
- Main pourpose is to provide autonomy of the controlling process
- Hybrid approach - "classical" and deep learning methods
- Python 3.6.9
- TensorFlow 2.3.1
- OpenCv 4.3.0
- NumPy 1.18.5
- SciPy 1.6.2
- JetPack 4.4 with following software enviornment more info here .
List the ready features here:
- Autonomously finding cutting edge
- Detecting breaches of the cutting edge
- Distracting surface contaminations from real damages
Project utilizes cutting inserts images collected by ADLINK NEON 2000 camera. Stored:
Project is: finished
- Algorithms optimazation.
- Providing greater independence from lighting.
- Examining other deep learning pre-trained networks
- Feeding deep learning algorithm with syntetic data generated in Blender
Used for preparing neural network model by transfer learning and utilizing Incepction V3.