Ethereum Distributed Token Exchange
This repository is inspired by the Ethereum Developer Masterclass: ICO and Token Exchange with Solidity course on Udemy. The Token-Exchange which I was inspired from can be tested with MetaMask and the Rinkeby Test-Net under
The Exchange Smart-Contract has 3 functions:
1.Funding: It's possible to deposit and withdraw both tokens of any kind and Ether 2.Trading: You can trade any kind of token against ether. Both market orders and limit orders. It's also possible to cancel an order. 3.Manangement: It's possible to add new tokens on the fly. The Exchange is unit tested with Truffle's Test-Framework.
All of this is also shown in the Course!
Necessary Software In order to work with the smart contracts and for the course you need
1.the Node Package Manager 2.Truffle,React and state management tool like redux,recoil etc 3.Chai and mocha 4.MetaMask 5.The Chome-Browser On windows eventually the Git-Bash
Knowlegde prior this course 1.Read "Solidity in Depth" and "Solidity Examples" from the Solidity docs 2.Know what is a list and a linked list. A short intro will be given, but our DataStructures use linked lists.
About me If you are interested about thomas work from i learned, what he do and where you can get more courses, material and information, checkout my blog: