Your homework assignment is to develop a application that takes in departure location
, arrival location
and date and time of departure
and returns all possible routes on certain date that start in departure location
and finish in arrival location
. The data for routes can be found on Deutschebahn (DB) website.
Application must accept input from two different sources:
- Command line
php search.php --departure="Berlin+HBF" --arrival="Frankfurt(M)Flughafen" --date="2016-03-01 13:37:00"
Names of GET parameters (departure=...
), command line script (search.php
) and script arguments (--departure=...
) can be renamed as you like. Just provide me with a proper usage commands.
The application has to consists of three main parts:
- Getting search params from the user.
- Executing search on DB and parsing the HTML data.
- Returning result in human readable matter.
The data for the example can be found at:
Keep in mind that to get all the data for the whole day, you have to click "Later" button a couple of times.
So for the example data, the response should look something like.
For the command line
$ php search.php --departure="Berlin HBF" --arrival="Frankfurt(M)Flughafen" --date="2016-03-01 13:37:00"
Berlin Hbf Frankfurt(M)Flughafen 13:34 18:04 89 EUR 125 EUR
Berlin Hbf Frankfurt(M)Flughafen 13:49 18:21 49 EUR 125 EUR
The search returned 17 routes in 12.23 seconds.
For the API
"data": {
"routes": [
"departure": "Berlin Hbf",
"location": "Frankfurt(M)Flughafen",
"departure_time": "13:34",
"arrival_time": "18:04",
"price_low": 89,
"price_high": 125,
"currency": "EUR",
"departure": "Berlin Hbf",
"location": "Frankfurt(M)Flughafen",
"departure_time": "13:49",
"arrival_time": "18:21",
"price_low": 49,
"price_high": 125,
"currency": "EUR",
"found": 17,
"time_taken": 12.23
The number of routes fetched and number of seconds that the script took, should also be provided.
- PHP: 5.5.*
- Database: MySQL / MariaDB or PostgreSQL. (if needed)
- Framework: Laravel5, Symfony3, Lumen or Silex. (You can also use custom solution without a framework. But usage of external libraries is encouraged.)
- Composer for installing external libraries.
- Git for tracking code changes
- Application has to work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (but can be developed on any other OS).
Disclaimer: If needed you can use different tech stack, but has to be confirmed by me first. So contact me if needed.
- Working code (on some git repository). I encourage usage of public github projects. So just fork this repo.
- Manual on how to set up the application on the linux system. (add this below)
- Short example of usage. (add this below)
- Fully working application
- Simplicity of application
- Architecture of application
- Smart usage of external libraries.
- Performance of application
- Coding style & standard
- Code documentation
- Proper usage of Git with meaningful messages.
- General impression on the solution.
For some extra points
- Automated Tests (unit and/or functional)
- Caching of searches (so the second search with same params is faster than the previous one)
Describe here how to install and use your application.
$ echo "Add your install process here."
$ git clone [email protected]:goavio/homework.git homework
$ cd homework
# Install composer like stated here
$ php composer.phar install
$ echo "Add your usage info here."