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feat: bv_decide diagnosis (leanprover#5365)
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hargoniX authored Sep 18, 2024
1 parent c4293f0 commit 592e1dc
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Showing 4 changed files with 165 additions and 23 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/BVCheck.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ def lratChecker (cfg : TacticContext) (bvExpr : BVLogicalExpr) : MetaM Expr := d

@[inherit_doc Lean.Parser.Tactic.bvCheck]
def bvCheck (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM Unit := do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun bvExpr _ => do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun reflectionResult _ => do
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Preparing LRAT reflection term") do
let proof ← lratChecker cfg bvExpr
let proof ← lratChecker cfg reflectionResult.bvExpr
return ⟨proof, ""
let _ ← closeWithBVReflection g unsatProver
return ()
Expand Down
134 changes: 119 additions & 15 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/BVDecide/Frontend/BVDecide.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,19 +74,111 @@ def reconstructCounterExample (var2Cnf : Std.HashMap BVBit Nat) (assignment : Ar
finalMap := finalMap.push (atomExpr, ⟨BitVec.ofNat currentBit value⟩)
return finalMap

structure ReflectionResult where
bvExpr : BVLogicalExpr
proveFalse : Expr → M Expr
unusedHypotheses : Std.HashSet FVarId

structure UnsatProver.Result where
proof : Expr
lratCert : LratCert

abbrev UnsatProver := BVLogicalExpr → Std.HashMap Nat Expr → MetaM UnsatProver.Result
abbrev UnsatProver := ReflectionResult → Std.HashMap Nat Expr → MetaM UnsatProver.Result

Contains values that will be used to diagnose spurious counter examples.
structure DiagnosisInput where
unusedHypotheses : Std.HashSet FVarId
atomsAssignment : Std.HashMap Nat Expr

The result of a spurious counter example diagnosis.
structure Diagnosis where
uninterpretedSymbols : Std.HashSet Expr := {}
unusedRelevantHypotheses : Std.HashSet FVarId := {}

abbrev DiagnosisM : TypeType := ReaderT DiagnosisInput <| StateRefT Diagnosis MetaM

namespace DiagnosisM

def run (x : DiagnosisM Unit) (unusedHypotheses : Std.HashSet FVarId)
(atomsAssignment : Std.HashMap Nat Expr) : MetaM Diagnosis := do
let (_, issues) ← x { unusedHypotheses, atomsAssignment } |>.run {}
return issues

def unusedHyps : DiagnosisM (Std.HashSet FVarId) := do
return (← read).unusedHypotheses

def atomsAssignment : DiagnosisM (Std.HashMap Nat Expr) := do
return (← read).atomsAssignment

def addUninterpretedSymbol (e : Expr) : DiagnosisM Unit :=
modify fun s => { s with uninterpretedSymbols := s.uninterpretedSymbols.insert e }

def lratBitblaster (cfg : TacticContext) (bv : BVLogicalExpr)
def addUnusedRelevantHypothesis (fvar : FVarId) : DiagnosisM Unit :=
modify fun s => { s with unusedRelevantHypotheses := s.unusedRelevantHypotheses.insert fvar }

def checkRelevantHypsUsed (fvar : FVarId) : DiagnosisM Unit := do
for hyp in ← unusedHyps do
if (← hyp.getType).containsFVar fvar then
addUnusedRelevantHypothesis hyp

Diagnose spurious counter examples, currently this checks:
- Whether uninterpreted symbols were used
- Whether all hypotheses which contain any variable that was bitblasted were included
def diagnose : DiagnosisM Unit := do
for (_, expr) in ← atomsAssignment do
match_expr expr with
| BitVec.ofBool x =>
match x with
| .fvar fvarId => checkRelevantHypsUsed fvarId
| _ => addUninterpretedSymbol expr
| _ =>
match expr with
| .fvar fvarId => checkRelevantHypsUsed fvarId
| _ => addUninterpretedSymbol expr

end DiagnosisM

def uninterpretedExplainer (d : Diagnosis) : Option MessageData := do
guard !d.uninterpretedSymbols.isEmpty
let symList := d.uninterpretedSymbols.toList
return m!"It abstracted the following unsupported expressions as opaque variables: {symList}"

def unusedRelevantHypothesesExplainer (d : Diagnosis) : Option MessageData := do
guard !d.unusedRelevantHypotheses.isEmpty
let hypList := mkFVar
return m!"The following potentially relevant hypotheses could not be used: {hypList}"

def explainers : List (Diagnosis → Option MessageData) :=
[uninterpretedExplainer, unusedRelevantHypothesesExplainer]

def explainCounterExampleQuality (unusedHypotheses : Std.HashSet FVarId)
(atomsAssignment : Std.HashMap Nat Expr) : MetaM MessageData := do
let diagnosis ← DiagnosisM.diagnose unusedHypotheses atomsAssignment
let folder acc explainer := if let some m := explainer diagnosis then acc.push m else acc
let explanations := explainers.foldl (init := #[]) folder

if explanations.isEmpty then
return m!"The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:\n"
let mut err := m!"The prover found a potentially spurious counterexample:\n"
err := err ++ explanations.foldl (init := m!"") (fun acc exp => acc ++ m!"- " ++ exp ++ m!"\n")
err := err ++ m!"Consider the following assignment:\n"
return err

def lratBitblaster (cfg : TacticContext) (reflectionResult : ReflectionResult)
(atomsAssignment : Std.HashMap Nat Expr) :
MetaM UnsatProver.Result := do
let bvExpr := reflectionResult.bvExpr
let entry ←
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Bitblasting BVLogicalExpr to AIG") do
-- lazyPure to prevent compiler lifting
IO.lazyPure (fun _ => bv.bitblast)
IO.lazyPure (fun _ => bvExpr.bitblast)
let aigSize :=
trace[] s!"AIG has {aigSize} nodes."

Expand All @@ -108,18 +200,25 @@ def lratBitblaster (cfg : TacticContext) (bv : BVLogicalExpr)

match res with
| .ok cert =>
let proof ← cert.toReflectionProof cfg bv ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true
let proof ← cert.toReflectionProof cfg bvExpr ``verifyBVExpr ``unsat_of_verifyBVExpr_eq_true
return ⟨proof, cert⟩
| .error assignment =>
let reconstructed := reconstructCounterExample map assignment aigSize atomsAssignment
let mut error := m!"The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:\n"
let mut error ← explainCounterExampleQuality reflectionResult.unusedHypotheses atomsAssignment
for (var, value) in reconstructed do
error := error ++ m!"{var} = {}\n"
throwError error

def reflectBV (g : MVarId) : M (BVLogicalExpr × (Expr → M Expr)) := g.withContext do
let hyps ← getLocalHyps
let sats ← hyps.filterMapM SatAtBVLogical.of

def reflectBV (g : MVarId) : M ReflectionResult := g.withContext do
let hyps ← getPropHyps
let mut sats := #[]
let mut unusedHypotheses := {}
for hyp in hyps do
if let some reflected ← SatAtBVLogical.of (mkFVar hyp) then
sats := sats.push reflected
unusedHypotheses := unusedHypotheses.insert hyp
if sats.size = 0 then
let mut error := "None of the hypotheses are in the supported BitVec fragment.\n"
error := error ++ "There are two potential fixes for this:\n"
Expand All @@ -128,27 +227,32 @@ def reflectBV (g : MVarId) : M (BVLogicalExpr × (Expr → M Expr)) := g.withCon
error := error ++ " Consider expressing it in terms of different operations that are better supported."
throwError error
let sat := sats.foldl (init := SatAtBVLogical.trivial) SatAtBVLogical.and
return (sat.bvExpr, sat.proveFalse)
return {
bvExpr := sat.bvExpr,
proveFalse := sat.proveFalse,
unusedHypotheses := unusedHypotheses

def closeWithBVReflection (g : MVarId) (unsatProver : UnsatProver) :
MetaM LratCert := do
g.withContext do
let (bvLogicalExpr, f)
let reflectionResult
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Reflecting goal into BVLogicalExpr") do
reflectBV g
trace[] "Reflected bv logical expression: {bvLogicalExpr}"
trace[] "Reflected bv logical expression: {reflectionResult.bvExpr}"

let atomsPairs := (← getThe State) (fun (expr, _, ident) => (ident, expr))
let atomsAssignment := Std.HashMap.ofList atomsPairs
let ⟨bvExprUnsat, cert⟩ ← unsatProver bvLogicalExpr atomsAssignment
let proveFalse ← f bvExprUnsat
let ⟨bvExprUnsat, cert⟩ ← unsatProver reflectionResult atomsAssignment
let proveFalse ← reflectionResult.proveFalse bvExprUnsat
g.assign proveFalse
return cert

def bvUnsat (g : MVarId) (cfg : TacticContext) : MetaM LratCert := do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun bvExpr atomsAssignment => do
let unsatProver : UnsatProver := fun reflectionResult atomsAssignment => do
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Preparing LRAT reflection term") do
lratBitblaster cfg bvExpr atomsAssignment
lratBitblaster cfg reflectionResult atomsAssignment
closeWithBVReflection g unsatProver

structure Result where
Expand Down
48 changes: 43 additions & 5 deletions tests/lean/run/bv_counterexample.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ import Std.Tactic.BVDecide
open BitVec

error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
x = 0xffffffffffffffff#64
#guard_msgs in
example (x : BitVec 64) : x < x + 1 := by

error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
x = 0x00000000000001ff#64
#guard_msgs in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def optimized (x : BitVec 32) : BitVec 32 :=
x &&& 0x0000004F

error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
x = 0xffffffff#32
#guard_msgs in
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ example (x : BitVec 32) : pop_spec' x = optimized x := by

-- limit the search domain
error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
x = 0x0007ffff#32
#guard_msgs in
Expand All @@ -62,11 +62,49 @@ example (x : BitVec 32) (h1 : x < 0xfffff) : pop_spec' x = optimized x := by

error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
x = 0x00000000#32
y = 0x80000000#32
ofBool a = 0x1#1
#guard_msgs in
example (x y : BitVec 32) (a : Bool) (h : x < y) : (x = y) ↔ a := by

-- False counter examples but correctly detected as such.
error: The prover found a potentially spurious counterexample:
- The following potentially relevant hypotheses could not be used: [h]
Consider the following assignment:
x = 0xffffffff#32
y = 0x7fffffff#32
#guard_msgs in
example (x y : BitVec 32) (h : x.toNat = y.toNat) : x = y := by

def zeros (w : Nat) : BitVec w := 0#w

error: The prover found a potentially spurious counterexample:
- It abstracted the following unsupported expressions as opaque variables: [zeros 32]
Consider the following assignment:
x = 0xffffffff#32
zeros 32 = 0xffffffff#32
#guard_msgs in
example (x : BitVec 32) (h : x = zeros 32) : x = 0 := by

error: The prover found a potentially spurious counterexample:
- It abstracted the following unsupported expressions as opaque variables: [zeros 32]
- The following potentially relevant hypotheses could not be used: [h1]
Consider the following assignment:
x = 0xffffffff#32
zeros 32 = 0xffffffff#32
y = 0xffffffff#32
#guard_msgs in
example (x y : BitVec 32) (h1 : x.toNat = y.toNat) (h2 : x = zeros 32) : y = 0 := by
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/lean/run/bv_unused.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Std.Tactic.BVDecide
open BitVec

error: The prover found a potential counterexample, consider the following assignment:
error: The prover found a counterexample, consider the following assignment:
y = 0xffffffffffffffff#64
#guard_msgs in
Expand Down

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