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Hardhat utility tasks and helper functions.


npm install @klaytn/hardhat-utils

Table of contents

Import the tasks

  • In hardhat.config.js
    • Import all tasks
    • Import selectively (see src/tasks/ for the list)
  • In hardhat.config.ts
    • Import all tasks
      import "@klaytn/hardhat-utils";
    • Import selectively (see src/tasks/ for the list)
      import "@klaytn/hardhat-utils/tasks/accounts";
      import "@klaytn/hardhat-utils/tasks/klaytnNode";

Import the helper functions

  • In your .js script
    const { deriveAccounts } = require("@klaytn/hardhat-utils/helpers");
  • In your .ts script
    import { deriveAccounts } from "@klaytn/hardhat-utils/helpers";

Required plugins

This plugin depends on other plugins. Make sure to require or import them in your hardhat.config.js or hardhat.config.ts.

npm install @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers hardhat-deploy
// hardhat.config.js

// hardhat.config.ts
import "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers";
import "hardhat-deploy";


Type hh <task name> --help for detailed help. Below paragraphs outlines notable use cases.

Before using tasks

(Recommended) Install hardhat shorthand. Below paragraphs assumes hardhat-shorthand is installed, but you can still use the tasks with npx hardhat.

npm install --global hardhat-shorthand
npx hardhat --version
hh --version

Choose the network via

  • Configure the HARDHAT_NETWORK environment
    export HARDHAT_NETWORK=localhost
    hh accounts
  • Attach the --network option at each command
    hh --network localhost accounts

Account tasks

hh accounts

Print account addresses and balances. Useful for checking the curent hardhat network.

hh accounts
    address                                    balance
  0 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 10000000.0
  1 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 10000000.0
  2 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC 10000000.0
  3 0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906 10000000.0
  4 0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65 10000000.0
  5 0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc 10000000.0
  6 0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9 10000000.0
  7 0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955 10000000.0
  8 0x23618e81E3f5cdF7f54C3d65f7FBc0aBf5B21E8f 10000000.0
  9 0xa0Ee7A142d267C1f36714E4a8F75612F20a79720 10000000.0

hh decrypt-keystore

Decrypt JSON keystore file to print the address and private key. It also accepts the KIP-3 (Klaytn keystore v4) in which case multiple addresses and private keys are printed.

hh decrypt-keystore keystore.json --password "mypass"
    address                                    private key
  0 0x0cc57a3c4E276A37AB0A98ba6899CAf6037996fB 278c3d035328daf04ab2597da96dd2d8868fd61a8837030f7d8a85f27b7f1bad

hh faucet

Transfer native coins in batch. Useful when you top up balances for gas fee.

hh faucet --from 0 --to 1,2,3
Send from 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 to 3 accounts 1 ETH each
to 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 txid 0x9574b62242f7d7f4b2ba040b775345aad8e4bfe38d588c783590298d861cc52f
to 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC txid 0xf594661765fcf2f7b17994661818d256af4db84aac4c518e3fd2e775790844c0
to 0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906 txid 0xe4e41e5750cdb5a25fd41f75f19e9feef96cc1ea7445fe503b17d9a44e5d4cda

hh mnemonic

Print addresses and private keys derived from a BIP-39 mnemonic and BIP-32 path. By default, the Hardhat default mnemonic (test test test test test test test test test test test junk) and Ethereum deriation path (m/44'/60'/0'/0/i) is used.

hh mnemonic
    address                                    private key
  0 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
  1 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
  2 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC 5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a
  3 0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906 7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6
  4 0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65 47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a
  5 0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc 8b3a350cf5c34c9194ca85829a2df0ec3153be0318b5e2d3348e872092edffba
  6 0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9 92db14e403b83dfe3df233f83dfa3a0d7096f21ca9b0d6d6b8d88b2b4ec1564e
  7 0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955 4bbbf85ce3377467afe5d46f804f221813b2bb87f24d81f60f1fcdbf7cbf4356
  8 0x23618e81E3f5cdF7f54C3d65f7FBc0aBf5B21E8f dbda1821b80551c9d65939329250298aa3472ba22feea921c0cf5d620ea67b97
  9 0xa0Ee7A142d267C1f36714E4a8F75612F20a79720 2a871d0798f97d79848a013d4936a73bf4cc922c825d33c1cf7073dff6d409c6

Contract tasks

hh abi

Print ABIs of compiled or deployed contracts.

hh abi
# contracts/Counter.sol:Counter
function increment()                     // 0xd09de08a
function number() view returns (uint256) // 0x8381f58a
function setNumber(uint256 newNumber)    // 0x3fb5c1cb

You can customize the output.

# Print in JSON
hh abi --json

# Specify a contract
hh abi Counter

hh addr

Print the deployed contract addresses.

hh addr
  "Counter": "0x39dD11C243Ac4Ac250980FA3AEa016f73C509f37"

hh call

Call a read-only function of a deployed contract.

hh call Counter number

You can customize the call.

# specify the function signature (in case the ABI is broken or nonexistent)
hh call MyToken "balanceOf(address)" 0x1234

# specify 'from' address (in case the result differs by msg.sender)
hh call --from 1 Counter number

# override contract address (in case the contract is not saved in 'deployments/')
hh call --to 0xaddr Counter number

hh deploy

Deploy tasks is not part of hardhat-utils, but describing it here because it is essential for the contract tasks. See hardhat-deploy plugin docs for details.

Deploys contracts according to the scripts under the deploy/ directory.

hh deploy
deploying "Counter" (tx: 0x2f15606c21060c20a60ea6a251f031de61cb143b6c64b6eeb9b52d9d2421939b)...: deployed at 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512 with 185065 gas

hh import

Import a deployment (i.e. address and ABI) of an existing contract. As a result, addresses and ABI will be saved under deployments/<network>. Use it when the contract is deployed by other party but you want to reference it.

hh import Counter 0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512

hh send

Send a function invoking transaction to a deployed contract.

hh send Counter increment
sent Counter#increment (tx: 0xd9624e9d5a711812cb77169b3467761eb4952a9656aea970b64dba5102a84a9c)...ok (block 3, gas used: 44778)
emit SetNumber(uint256) [

You can customize the transaction.

# specify the function signature (in case the ABI is broken or nonexistent)
hh send WKLAY "withdraw(uint256)" 1000

# specify 'from' address (in case the result differs by msg.sender)
hh send --from 1 Counter increment

# override contract address (in case the contract is not saved in 'deployments/')
hh send --to 0xaddr Counter increment

# print unsigned transaction (in case private key is in another machine)
hh send --unsigned Counter increment

hh tracecall

Similar to hh call but calls the debug_traceCall API.

hh tracecall Counter setNumber 2
  CALL 0xbdab4f279fbd7886b75d8729ffa820f20d3e6523
  gasUsed: 48440, value: 0.0, error: ''

You can customize the trace.

# Simulate the call at a specific block number
hh tracecall --block 1234 Counter setNumber 2

# Use the {tracer: null} option, in which case the opcode-level StructLogger is used.
hh tracecall --network localhost --tracer struct Counter setNumber 2

# Use the {tracer: "callTracer"} option, where internal transaction calls are traced.
hh tracecall --network localhost --tracer call Counter setNumber 2

# Use the {tracer: "revertTracer"} option, where the revert reason is printed, if any.
hh tracecall --network localhost --tracer revert Counter setNumber 2

# Use the StackUp bundler trace scripts BundlerCollectorTracer.js and BundlerExecutionTracer.js
hh tracecall --network localhost --tracer stackupcol Counter setNumber 2
hh tracecall --network localhost --tracer stackupexe Counter setNumber 2

Trace output examples:

# --tracer struct
  gasUsed: 48440, failed: false, returnValue: ''
  pc    opcode              gasCost    gasLeft     ccCost     ccLeft
  00000 PUSH1                     3 9999975400        120  149999880
  00002 PUSH1                     3 9999975397        120  149999760
  00004 MSTORE                   12 9999975394        288  149999472
  00005 CALLVALUE                 2 9999975382        149  149999323
  00006 DUP1                      3 9999975380        190  149999133

# --tracer call
  CALL 0x72df0a4521a17987742112c226353c4e299bf3ab
  gasUsed: 530313, value: 0.0, error: ''
    DELEGATECALL 0x6eeade4e5b9497747ac79053503b76b09ff248a9
    gasUsed: 498261, value: 0.0, error: ''
      STATICCALL 0xc8452baba9c02efb47eada8e2308e229ba2ea749
      gasUsed: 7716, value: 0.0, error: ''
        DELEGATECALL 0xf802b2bba4865714525fe5c5484467371efc391c
        gasUsed: 264, value: 0.0, error: ''
      CALL 0xc8452baba9c02efb47eada8e2308e229ba2ea749
      gasUsed: 3753, value: 0.0, error: ''

# --tracer revert
  revert reason: 'Pausable: paused'

hh tracetx

Calls the debug_traceTransaction API for the given transaction hash.

hh --network baobab tracetx --tracer revert 0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd
  revert reason: 'Pausable: paused'

You can customize the trace.

# Use the {tracer: null} option, in which case the opcode-level StructLogger is used.
hh tracetx --network baobab --tracer struct 0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd

# Use the {tracer: "callTracer"} option, where internal transaction calls are traced.
hh tracetx --network baobab --tracer call 0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd

# Use the {tracer: "revertTracer"} option, where the revert reason is printed, if any.
hh tracetx --network baobab --tracer revert 0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd

# Use the StackUp bundler trace scripts BundlerCollectorTracer.js and BundlerExecutionTracer.js
hh tracetx --network baobab --tracer stackupcol 0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd
hh tracetx --network baobab --tracer stackupexe  0xdc0d176de3aeaa396fb558c8ce6d6d9718d979e455c60e5131dcada512b5e5dd

hh upload-abi

Upload ABI to online database services.

hh upload-abi --byte4
Uploading 8 function and event signatures..
POST 201 Created
  "num_processed": 8,
  "num_imported": 0,
  "num_duplicates": 8,
  "num_ignored": 0

Type hh upload-abi --help to see list of supported services.

hh upload-abi --help

  --byte4       Upload to
  --sigdb       Upload to

hh verify


Server launching tasks

hh aa-bundler

Launch the ERC-4337 bundler for the current network. Do not use with public endpoints since bundler generates a lot of RPC traffic. Supports stackup-bundler.

hh aa-bundler
[+] Using env: {
  DOCKER_IMAGE: 'stackupwallet/stackup-bundler:latest',
  BUNDLER_NODE_RPC: 'http://host.docker.internal:8545/',
  BUNDLER_PRIVATE_KEY: 'ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80',
  BUNDLER_ENTRYPOINT: '0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789'
[+] Starting ERC-4337 bundler at
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                            docker:desktop-linux
[+] Running 2/0
 ✔ Network bundler_default      Created                                                                                                            0.0s
 ✔ Container bundler-stackup-1  Created                                                                                                            0.0s
Attaching to bundler-stackup-1
bundler-stackup-1  | debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
bundler-stackup-1  | checking eth_chainId... {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":"0x7a69"}connected to RPC 'http://host.docker.internal:8545/'
bundler-stackup-1  | badger 2023/11/28 06:48:00 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
bundler-stackup-1  | badger 2023/11/28 06:48:00 INFO: Discard stats nextEmptySlot: 0
bundler-stackup-1  | badger 2023/11/28 06:48:00 INFO: Set nextTxnTs to 0

You can customize the instance.

# Use specific version
hh aa-bundler --docker-image-id stackupwallet/stackup-bundler:latest

# Use different sender account
hh aa-bundler --index 10

# Use different RPC port
hh aa-bundler --port 4000

hh explorer

Launch the BlockScout block explorer for current network. Do not use with public endpoints since explorer generates a lot of RPC traffic. Supports BlockScout v5.x with only a few services enabled (including smart-contract-verifier).

After running the task, go to http://localhost:4000.

hh explorer
[+] Using env: {
  DOCKER_RPC_HTTP_URL: 'http://host.docker.internal:8545/',                                                                                               DOCKER_TAG: '4.1.8',                                                                                                                                    DOCKER_LISTEN: '',
  DOCKER_DISABLE_TRACER: 'true',                                                                                                                          DOCKER_DEBUG: '0'                                                                                                                                     }
[+] Open in the browser: http://localhost:4000                                                                                                          [+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                            docker:desktop-linux [+] Running 6/6
 ✔ Network blockscout_default                      Created                                                                                         0.0s  ✔ Container blockscout-db-1                       Started                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-frontend-1                 Started                                                                                         0.0s  ✔ Container blockscout-redis_db-1                 Started                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-smart-contract-verifier-1  Started                                                                                         0.0s  ✔ Container blockscout-backend-1                  Started                                                                                         0.0s
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)                                                                                                            docker:desktop-linux [+] Running 6/0
 ✔ Container blockscout-frontend-1                 Running                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-smart-contract-verifier-1  Running                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-redis_db-1                 Running                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-db-1                       Running                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-backend-1                  Running                                                                                         0.0s
 ✔ Container blockscout-proxy-1                    Created                                                                                         0.0s
Attaching to blockscout-proxy-1

hh klaytn-node

Launch a Klaytn consensus node. Analogous to hh node or anvil.

hh klaytn-node
[+] Using nodekey: ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
[+] Available accounts (each having ${balance} KLAY):
    address                                    private key
  0 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
  1 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
  2 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC 0x5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a
  3 0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906 0x7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6
  4 0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65 0x47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a
  5 0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc 0x8b3a350cf5c34c9194ca85829a2df0ec3153be0318b5e2d3348e872092edffba
  6 0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9 0x92db14e403b83dfe3df233f83dfa3a0d7096f21ca9b0d6d6b8d88b2b4ec1564e
  7 0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955 0x4bbbf85ce3377467afe5d46f804f221813b2bb87f24d81f60f1fcdbf7cbf4356
  8 0x23618e81E3f5cdF7f54C3d65f7FBc0aBf5B21E8f 0xdbda1821b80551c9d65939329250298aa3472ba22feea921c0cf5d620ea67b97
  9 0xa0Ee7A142d267C1f36714E4a8F75612F20a79720 0x2a871d0798f97d79848a013d4936a73bf4cc922c825d33c1cf7073dff6d409c6
[+] Using env: {
  DOCKER_IMAGE: 'klaytn/klaytn:latest',
[+] Starting JSON-RPC server at
    To attach to the console,
      npx hardhat klaytn-node --attach
    Press Ctrl+C to stop

After running the task, type hh klaytn-node --attach to use the console.

hh klaytn-node --attach
Welcome to the Klaytn JavaScript console!

instance: Klaytn/v1.11.1/linux-amd64/go1.20.6
 datadir: /klaytn
 modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 eth:1.0 governance:1.0 istanbul:1.0 klay:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0


You can customize the instance.

# Use specific version
hh klaytn-node --docker-image-id klaytn/klaytn:dev

# Configure fork level
hh klaytn-node --hardfork cancun

# Configure zero fee network
hh klaytn-node --base-fee 0 --unit-price 0

Helper functions

See src/helpers/ for full list.

import { deriveAccounts } from "@klaytn/hardhat-utils/helpers";

const accounts = deriveAccounts();
// 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266


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