HiMyWords is a Neovim plugin that helps to focus on (key)words.
See demo.
The plugin automatically installs the following commands:
- this command detects a word under cursor and highlights all its instances in all windows. The search register is updated, son
search commands work as expected. To remove the highlight under the cursor, executeHiMyWordsToggle
command again. By repeating the command twice it is possible to cycles throguh available highlight colors.HiMyWordsClear
- clear all highlights.
- Highly recommended: with packer.nvim:
use "dvoytik/hi-my-words.nvim"
- Manually in your init.lua:
Tip: set up a convinient mappin in your config, for example:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<Space>m", ":HiMyWordsToggle<CR>", { noremap = true })
Example how to change default colors from ten by default to only two:
hl_grps = {
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#2c5f2d", bg = "#97bc62", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#408ec6", bg = "#1e2761", bold = true, italic = true },
Full config spec
The plugin automatically sets up the following defaults:
silent = false,
hl_grps = {
{ ctermfg = 130, ctermbg = 21, fg = "#eea47f", bg = "#00539c", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#101820", bg = "#fee715", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#ccf381", bg = "#4831d4", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#e2d1f9", bg = "#317773", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 15, ctermbg = 1, fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#8aaae5", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 15, ctermbg = 1, fg = "#fcf6f5", bg = "#990011", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#2f3c7e", bg = "#fbeaeb", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#2c5f2d", bg = "#97bc62", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 0, ctermbg = 11, fg = "#408ec6", bg = "#1e2761", bold = true, italic = true },
{ ctermfg = 15, ctermbg = 1, fg = "#990011", bg = "#fcf6f5", bold = true, italic = true },