View images within your Neovim via Sixel!
This plugin is in experimental state. So sometimes displayed contents of a buffer break.
When you encounter this issue, type <C-l>
to reload a screen.
- Terminal which supports Sixel (Alacritty, Wezterm, iTerm2, etc)
- For MacOS user,
brew install libsixel
- For MacOS user,
opts = {},
After installing this plugin, a image will be shown when a buffer which loads an image file is opened.
opts = {
-- a table to specify what files should be viewed by this plugin
pattern = {},
-- whether to show an image automatically when an image buffer is opened
auto = true,
-- time of delay before showing image
-- try setting this duration longer if you have a trouble showing image
delay_ms = 100,
View image manually. Use this within a buffer which loads an image file.