A simple coverage handler and server. The basic function provides an SVG badge with the coverage percentage and a link to the uploaded coverage report. Only basic metadata is required to persist to track the latest commits for the linked branches.
Currently, the only supported code coverage formats are Tarpaulin and Cobertura XML. Recommended formats and pull requests are welcome! If you want an account for this Gitea to interact with this repository, please contact the maintainer at [email protected].
There is no grand goal of ao-coverage other than hosting coverage reports for projects. That can always be improved, of course - there are feature enhancements, bugs, and discussions under the Issues tab of this project, with milestones for providing ideal target versions or dates.
This repository includes a .devcontainer
to assist with getting developing off the ground as quickly as possible. This includes a Docker image for the repository with installed tools for MongoDB, and MongoDB in a compose stack. The provided image was completely rewritten from the ubuntu base to provide support for arm64
, so the initial build may take a little while. This comes completely preconfigured with setup data, and a generated TOKEN gets printed to logs when you start the server.
This project is licensed under the Parity Public License. Currently, proprietary-use licenses are not available and offers will not be considered.