Resurrection of this quite old debugger for squirrel eclipse plugin ported to linux. It still works!
Requires eclipse 3.2.0 Requires java < 11. I have tested with java 5 downloadable here Change your PATH to include java 5 (setting JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME, JRE_HOME does not seem to work)
export PATH=<path-to-install>/jdk1.5.0_22/bin/:$PATH
./eclipse &
The plugin binaries can be downloaded here unpack sqdev in /plugins/
Sorry - make has no install as yet. You can either add this as a git submodule then build as part of your project
add_executable(proj sqdbg-kiwi/serialize_state.inl sqdbg-kiwi/sqrdbg.h sqdbg-kiwi/sqrdbg.cpp sqdbg-kiwi/sqdbgserver.h sqdbg-kiwi/sqdbgserver.cpp)
Or build libsqdbg.a and use the header files directly.
To integrate with your application - you need to do the following :
sq_enabledebuginfo(vm, 1);
HSQREMOTEDBG dbg = sq_rdbg_init(vm, 1234, false);
The debugger will only trigger breakpoints if the path to the file in eclipse matches that in your application.