Main Reference: Learn Python 3 the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw
Hi, I’m Kit Hernandez, I’m taking a leap into the wonderful world of coding. Starting out the path into the Python universe. This is my learning journal as I go beyond this road. Hoping this would be useful to some who are also just starting out to embark into the same journey I am taking.
To anyone reading this:
This journal is useful to absolute beginners who are interested to learn python.
I didn't include the installation set-up of Python and Text Editor since it can be easily googled. To save you some time, here's the link to Python Official Site: https://www.python.org/downloads/
YouTube has a lot of tutorials on setting up Python. Also, it is much needed to grab the knowledge on how to run Python scripts in the terminal depending on your machine's operating system. There's also a lot of guides out there.
So if you're good to go. Feel free to hop in!
Lesson 1
- Print Statements
- Numbers and Operations
- Variables
- User Input
Lesson 2
- Parameters, Importing, Unpacking
- File Handling: Reading Files
Lesson 3
- File Handling: Reading Files and Writing Files
Lesson 4
- Names, Variables, Functions
- Functions and Files
Lesson 5
- Function returning Values
Lesson 6
- String, Bytes and Character Encoding
Lesson 7
Practice 1
- Printing
- Numbers and Operations
- Functions
Practice 2
- More Functions
Quiz 1
- Debugging Exercise
Lesson 8
- Understanding Logic
Lesson 9
- If, Elif, Else Statements
Lesson 10 - 1
- Loops and Lists: for loops
- While Loops
Lesson 10 - 2
- Accessing the Elements of Lists
- Branches and Functions
Lesson 11 - 1
- Doing Things to List
- Dictionaries
Lesson 11 - 2
- Modules, Classes and Objects
Lesson 12
- Learning to Speak Object Oriented
- Is-a, has-a, Objects and Classes
- OOP Terminologies
Lesson 13
- Inheritance vs Composition