This readme file is targeted for QA Automation engineers
- Java Version: Oracle Java 1.8.0_31 and higher (Execute java -version in command line after installation)
- Docker
- Apache Maven Version: 3.2.3 and higher (Execute mvn -version in command line after installation)
- Git Client: 1.9.5 or higher (Execute git --version in command line after installation)
- Integrated Development Environment: Any version IntelliJ Idea or Eclipse
- Console utility JQ: jq-1.5 or higher (Execute jq --version in command line after installation)
- All build commands should be execute from terminal with Bash
- {ACCEPTANCE_SRC} refers to top or root directory of this project
- Execute mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
- Docker image creation : {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/Dockerfile
- Docker compose : folder {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/docker-compose/
- System variable: WEBDRIVER_BROWSER. There are four browsers available: "Firefox", "Chrome", "Chrome_Selenoid", "Firefox_Selenoid"
- The default browser is "Chrome"
- Open a terminal or command prompt
- Execute mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true && mvn dockerfile:build
- Go to {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/docker-compose/
- Execute sh will download all necessary docker images). Or execute docker-compose up if you have already pulled all necessary docker images
- Allure tests report is available by link
- Video record is available at directory {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/docker-compose
- Open a terminal or command prompt
- Execute mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
- Go to {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/acceptance-tests/cucumber-acceptance-tests/
- Execute mvn clean install
- Execute mvn allure:report
- Allure tests report is available at {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/acceptance-tests/cucumber-acceptance-tests/target/allure-report
- Docker image creation : {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/Dockerfile
- Docker compose : folder {ACCEPTANCE_SRC}/docker-compose/
- System variable: WEBDRIVER_BROWSER. There are four browsers available: "Firefox", "Chrome", "Chrome_Selenoid", "Firefox_Selenoid"
- The default browser is "Firefox_Selenoid"