###You can find the original Tutorial here
- PC side is written in ANSI C using Terminos API to Communicate with the Serial Port.
- Transmission and Reception are kept seperate in different C files so that user can easily understand the mechanisms involved.
- PC communicates with MSP430 microcontroller using a 3 wire serial Link (RX,TX,GND).Refer Tutorial for Circuit
- The Microcontroller and PC are connected in null modem configuration using 3 signals (TX,RX and Ground).
- Code will Work With Standard RS232 Serial ports or any USB to Serial Converter.
- Microcontroller side code is written in Embedded C and can be Compiled using Code Composer Studio for MSP430.
- The Hardware used is MSP430G2553 on Launch pad development board.
##Code Explanation
serial.c - A simple C file which opens a connection to Linux Serial Port and closes it.
USB2SERIAL_Read - Serial Reception Program which runs on the Linux PC and receives data from the MSP430 Microcontroller.The Received Data is then displayed on Console Window.
USB2SERIAL_Write - Serial Transmission which runs on the Linux PC and Transmits a charcter to the MSP430 Microcontroller.The MSP430 on Receiving the Character lights up an LED on the Launchpad Development board.
##Hardware used
- - **USB to RS485/RS232/Serial Converter** - Details can be found here
MSP430 Launchpad Development Board