Rewrites assets with hashes to assets without hashes compatible with KMT cachebusting. Generates cachebuster manifests compatible with KMT from webpack assets.
Generated assets in the form of asset.kmtWEBPACKHASH.js
will be renamed to asset.js
and the hash is added to the manifest.json
yarn add @kingsquare/kmt-cachebuster-webpack-plugin
npm i @kingsquare/kmt-cachebuster-webpack-plugin
Then add the plugin to your webpack configuration
const KmtCachebusterWebpackPlugin = require('@kingsquare/kmt-cachebuster-webpack-plugin');
const config = {
output: {
filename: "app.kmt[contenthash:8].js",
chunkFilename: "app.chunk[name].kmt[contenthash:8].js"
plugins: [
new KmtCachebusterWebpackPlugin()
Setting the entry/asset filename
to [name].kmt[chunkhash:8].js
should be done. This ensures that possible maps and/or code split assets will load with the correct hash (which is embedded in the generated webpack bootstrap)
As you can not easily change the entry/asset filename
in Encore, or do not want to. You will have to use the following configuration to get the correct assets for KMT.
// ... and lastly
new KmtWebpackPluginCachebuster({
hashPrefix: ""
42 // A priority that no one knows if it is the last
Generated assets in the form of asset.WEBPACKHASH.js
will be renamed to asset.js
and the hash is added to the manifest.json
- Webpack 3
- Webpack 4
- Webpack 5