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Kin Ecosystem SDK API

marketplace API

The openapi.yaml file contains definitions of the services and models that will be available for our client to access on the server.

To edit the file you can use the online editor

JWT specs and examples:

JWT encoded messages

JWT header format

For all 3 JWTs we will use the following template:

	alg: string; // ES256 but can be discussed
	typ: string; // JWT
	kid: string; // identifier of the keypair that was used to sign the JWT. identifiers and public keys will be provided by signer authority. This enables using multiple private/public key pairs (a list of public keys and their ids need to be provided by signer authority to verifier in advanced)

Register payload

	// common/ standard fields
	iat: number;  // issued at - seconds from epoc
	iss: string; // issuer
	exp: number; // expiration
	sub: string; // subject - "register"

	// application fields
	user_id: string; // id of the user - or a deterministic unique id for the user (hash)

Spend payload

	iat: number;  // issued at - seconds from epoc
	iss: string; // issuer
	exp: number; // expiration
	sub: string; // subject - "spend"

	nonce: string; // optional, to create a unique pair for offer id per user
	offer: {
		id: string; // offer id - id is decided by digital service
		amount: number; // amount of kin for this offer - price
	sender: {
		user_id: string; // optional: user_id who will perform the
		title: string; // order title - appears in order history
		description: string; // order description - appears in order history

Earn payload

	iat: number;  // issued at - seconds from epoc
	iss: string; // issuer
	exp: number; // expiration
	sub: string; // subject - "earn"

	nonce: string; // optional, to create a unique pair for offer id per user
	offer: {
		id: string; // offer id - id is decided by digital service
		amount: number; // amount of kin for this offer - price
	recipient: {
		user_id: string; // user_id who will perform the order
		title: string; // order title - appears in order history
		description: string; // order description - appears in order history

PayToUser payload

	iat: number;  // issued at - seconds from epoc
	iss: string; // issuer
	exp: number; // expiration
	sub: string; // subject - "pay_to_user"

	nonce: string; // optional, to create a unique pair for offer id per user
	offer: {
		id: string; // offer id - id is decided by digital service
		amount: number; // amount of kin for this offer - price
	sender: {
		user_id: string; // optional: user_id who will perform the order
		title: string; // offer title - appears in order history
		description: string; // offer description - appears in order history
	recipient: {
		user_id: string; // user_id who will receive the order
		title: string; // offer title - appears in order history
		description: string; // offer description - appears in order history

PaymentConfirmation payload

	iat: number;  // issued at - seconds from epoc
	iss: string; // issuer
	exp: number; // expiration
	sub: string; // subject - "payment_confirmation"

	sender_user_id: string; // user identifier - same value as given by register
	recipient_user_id: string; // user identifier - same value as given by register
	offer_id: string; // offer id - id is decided by digital service
	nonce: string; // the same as was send in the order JWT, or a default value in case none was used
	payment: {
		blockchain: string; // identifier of the blockchain network the transaction was made on
		transaction_id: string; // stellar identifier of the blockchain transaction

Key Pair used in Examples


-----END PUBLIC KEY-----



internal payment

To edit the file you can use the online editor

creating client stubs

openapi3 code generation is supported by a few projects


using on branch v3.0.0-rc0 compile the maven project and run the following:

java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i ~/Workspace/ecosystem-api/openapi.yaml -l java  -o java_client