KijiExpress provides a simple data analysis language using KijiSchema and Scalding.
You can access the full text of the tutorial here.
In this tutorial, you will learn to create a simple music recommender. To this end, you will learn to:
- Install and create Kiji tables
- Import data into them, specifically, metadata for songs and users' listening history.
- Calculate the most popular songs played after a given song (for each song in the data).
Download the BentoBox, a development environment with Hadoop, HBase and all Kiji components from here.
tar xzf kiji-bento-*.tar.gz
cd kiji-bento-albacore
source bin/
bento start
export MUSIC_EXPRESS_HOME = <path/to/tutorial/root/dir>
Install a Kiji instance.
export KIJI=kiji://.env/kiji_music
kiji install --kiji=${KIJI}
Export libs.
The layouts for the tables are described in music_schema.ddl
kiji-schema-shell --kiji=${KIJI} --file=$MUSIC_EXPRESS_HOME/music_schema.ddl
hadoop fs -mkdir express-tutorial
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal $MUSIC_EXPRESS_HOME/example_data/*.json express-tutorial/
Import the song metadata into a songs
express job kiji-express-music-${project.version}.jar \ \
--input express-tutorial/song-metadata.json \
--table-uri ${KIJI}/songs --hdfs
Import the users' listening history into a users
express job target/kiji-express-music-${project.version}.jar \ \
--input express-tutorial/song-plays.json \
--table-uri ${KIJI}/users --hdfs
This MapReduce job uses the listening history of our users that we have stored in the users
table to calculate the total number of times each song has been played. The result of this computation
is written to a text file in HDFS.
express job kiji-express-music-${project.version}.jar \ \
--table-uri ${KIJI}/users \
--output express-tutorial/songcount-output --hdfs
Now, for each song, we want to compute a list of the songs that most frequently follow that song. This kind of model can eventually be used to write a song recommender.
express job kiji-express-music-${project.version}.jar \ \
--users-table ${KIJI}/users \
--songs-table ${KIJI}/songs --hdfs
bento stop