An authentication, authorization and user management service wrtien in Go
The project provide you 2 ways to use it:
- A HTTP REST API for authentication, authorization and user management with some client-libs for easy communication with the REST server.
- AngualrJS client.
- An abstract interface (we call a manager) that let you port your Go authenthication and user management to other database. We love to support MongoDB, Google Appengine and a standar SQL but currently just a MongoDB available.
- written base on mgo driver
Please prefer:
Each sub project may have their own document.
You can find and usage example of the package at
- Fix bugs, improve documentation, more test (not many test right now)
- Support other type of "grant_type", become an OAuth provider.
- Better way to handle "permission" (or friendship) becom a social network.
- A complete example application (a small social network...maybe)!forum/kidstuff-opensources
We welcome any feedback, bug report, feature request or just a "Hello" from you!