Go through this deck for full info
Current available pipelines
- classification
- translation (coming soon)
- token classification (need contribution)
- text generation (need contribution)
- zero shot classification (need contribution)
- ability to run transformers without servers
- complete CI/CD
- concurrency upto 1000 (default AWS limit)
- clone the repo
- keep the pipeline folder you want to use
- modify the source and tests
- keep the corresponding github action in
- modify directory, registry and lambda function name in workflow
- create repository in AWS ECR
- set up secrets in repo (needed for access to AWS; this creds should have access to ECR and Lambda)
- push the code
- create PR
- this will build the container
- run all the tests
- push container to ECR registry
- update lambda with the new container (this will not happen when you push the first time)
- create lambda function if it does not exist
- give appropriate IAM role
- set timeout and RAM
- create API in API gateway and link to lambda
Done! Now you can call the lambda using the API