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kevinyu edited this page Jan 6, 2021 · 1 revision

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Notes about colormapping

terminal color encoding

To increase the resolution of rendering images in the y-axis, each terminal row is divided into two pixels using the unicode characters , , , and , labeled as const.FULL_1, const.FULL_0, const.HALF_01, and const.HALF_10 respectively. A pair of these "pixels" being rendered as a single character I call a "patch".

curses has 255 slots for foreground/background color pairs. We assign each SLOT to a (F, B) color where SLOT is a number between 1 and 255 inclusive representing a curses color slot, and F and B are numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive representing terminal colors for the foreground and background respectively. F and B must come from the set of K colors in a colormap.

To increase the capacity of colors per colormap, we note that we never need to use a slot where F == B since we can always just use colored by (F, *), or colored using (*, B). Similarly, we never need to use a slot for F < B. If we wanted a slot colored as (F, B) with F < B, we can replace it with (B, F).

Thus we have the following solution so that every possible patch can be encoded in the colormap using a combination of one of , , , and and one of our stored (F, B) pairs.

COLORS are the K color values in the color map indexed from 0 to K-1 inclusive
SLOTS are the 255 slots from 1 to 255 inclusive
PATCH is a (X0, X1) pair where X0 and X1 are the indices into COLORS that we want to render
(0, 0) (COLORS[K-1], COLORS[0]), " ") (K-1, " ")
(1, 0) (COLORS[1], COLORS[0]), "▀") (1, "▀")
(2, 0) (COLORS[2], COLORS[0]), "▀") (2, "▀")
... ... ...
(K-1, 0) (COLORS[K-1], COLORS[0]), "▀") (K-1, "▀")
(0, 1) (COLORS[1], COLORS[0]), "▄") (2, "▄")
(1, 1) (COLORS[1], COLORS[0]), "█") (2, "█")
(2, 1) (COLORS[2], COLORS[1]), "▀") (K, "▀")
... ... ...
(K-1, 1) (COLORS[K-1], COLORS[1]), "▀") (2K-1, "▀")
(0, 2) (COLORS[2], COLORS[0]), "▄") (3, "▄")
(1, 2) (COLORS[2], COLORS[1]), "▄") (K+1, "▄")
(2, 2) (COLORS[2], COLORS[0]), "█") (3, "█")
(3, 2) (COLORS[3], COLORS[2]), "▀") (2K, "▀")
... ... ...
(K-1, 2) (COLORS[3], COLORS[2]), "▀") (3K-4, "▀")
... ... ...
(K-1, K-1) (COLORS[K-1], COLORS[0]), "█") (K-1, "█")

The formula for this is

SLOT = (X1 * (K - 1)) - (X_1 * (X_1 - 1)) // 2 + X0 - X1

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