To run this project, clone this repo, and use your preferred compiler. This project uses Cmake to build the SFML seamlessly across computers.
Help with Cmake with different compilers: - VS Code via the CMake extension - Visual Studio - CLion - Qt Creator
Once the project is set up in your compiler, follow these steps: In the src/assets/fonts folder, copy both the Roboto-Bold and Roboto-Regular font, and paste them into your bin folder. This should be located in the cmake-build-debug folder (in Visual Studio 2019, it will be in the out/build/x64-Debug folder). Go back to the src/assets folder, and extract the CSV from airbnb_listings_usa. Copy the airbnb_listings_usa.csv file, and paste it into the same location you pasted the fonts.
Compile and run the project, and enjoy AirCompare!