Fully functional Blog app where users can create accouts, login, post blogs, view blogs and upvote.
Api providing endpoints that allow for:
- Getting all blogs
- Create a blog
- Deleting a blog
- Updating a blog
- Logging in
- Createa user
- Get all users
git clone \
npm install
npm run dev
Returns a list of all the latest blogs.
Returns a blog based on {id}.
Create a blog.
Update blog with id equal {id}
Delete blog with id equal {id}
Login user
Return all users
Create a user
- Add commennts for blogs
- Style
- Add further testing for frontend and backend
- Add Date for blogs
- Add option to sort blogs by date
[bcrypt] [cors] [dotenv] [express] [express-async-errors] [json web token] [mongoose] [mongoose unique validator] [prop-types] [eslint] [jest] [cypress] [supertest]
👤 Kevin Nguyen