Analyze scouting data for the FRC 2019 game!
This project was made possible by pandas and the Google Sheets API.
View analytics of a specified team.
- Average match score
- Average score during sandstorm
- Average score during teleop
- Defense amount
- Defense quality
- Amount of time dead
View sorted lists of teams to assist in choosing alliance members. Displays lists of teams sorted by:
- Average score
- Avg. sandstorm score
- Avg. teleop score
- Defense amount
- Defense quality
- Amount of time dead
For match scouters: simply use this form to input information during matches. To run the program, go to our Google Colab notebook. To learn more about the project, read the documentation here. If you would like to contribute to this project, simply send a pull request with your contributions. If you see an issue or bug, please do not hesitate to start a new issue or email one of the developers. Thanks!