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Snakemake workflow: variant calling using the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) best practices

GitHub release GitHub conda snakemake

trimmomatic fastp bwa samtools gatk4 samblaster bcftools snpeff

Table of contents


  • This repository contains a pipeline built with Snakemake for variant calling using Illumina-generated sequences and is based on the GATK best practices for variant calling using either hard or soft filters.
  • Additionally, this pipeline aims to reproduce a recently published pipeline that optimized the GATK4 variant calling pipeline for Plasmodium falciparum (preprint). However, this is not limited to P. falciparum and can be used for any organism of interest.

Pipeline sections

  • The pipeline handles paired-end reads and below are the analysis sections in the Snakefile:

  Step 1 - Compile List of Output Files

  • rule all - gather all output files

  Step 2 - Gather Genome Data

  • gather_genome_data: aggregate genome data from the snpeff folder
  • gatk_genome_dict: create genome dictionary for gatk tools
  • samtools_index: index the genome fasta file
  • bedops_gff2bed: convert the genome annotation .gff to .bed file

  Step 3 - Perform Fastq Quality Control

  • trim_reads: trim adapters and low quality bases using trimmomatic or fastp

  Step 4 - Map Reads to Genome

  • bwa_index: generate bwa genome-index files for mapping reads
  • bwa_mem: map reads to genome, fixmate, convert .sam to .bam and finally remove artifacts
  • mark_duplicates: mark duplicate reads using gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark or Samblaster

  Step 5 - Generate Mapping Quality Statistics

  • samtools_idxstats: calculate alignment statistics based on the reference sequence
  • samtools_flagstats: calculates and summarizes various alignment statistics
  • samtools_depth: calculate the depth of coverage for each position in the genome
  • gatk_insert_size_metrics: collect insert size metrics
  • gatk_alignment_summary_metrics: generate a summary of alignment metrics from the BAM file

  Step 6 - Perform Variant Calling

  • gatk_haplotypecaller: call snps and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes and generate gVCFs
  • generate_sample_name_map: generate a map of sample names and the respective vcf files
  • gatk_genomics_db_import: merge gVCFs into one genomic database
  • gatk_genotype_gvcfs: perform joint genotyping and generate the final VCF in which all samples have been jointly genotyped

  Step 7 - Perform Variant Filtering (Hard or Soft)

  • bcftools_normalize: normalize indels, left-align variants, split multiallelic sites into multiple rows and recover multiallelics from multiple rows
  • hard_filter_variants:
    • gatk_split_variants: separate snps and indels into separate vcf files
    • gatk_filter_hard: apply hard filters to snps and indels
    • gatk_merge_vcfs: merge snps and indels into one vcf file
  • soft_filter_variants:
    • gatk_vqsr_indels: perform variant quality score recalibration to indels
    • gatk_apply_vqsr_indels: apply variant quality score recalibration to indels
    • gatk_vqsr_snps: perform variant quality score recalibration to snps
    • gatk_apply_vqsr_snps: apply variant quality score recalibration to snps
  • gatk_filter_pass: filter out variants that do not pass the hard or soft filters

  Step 8 - Annotatate Variants and Calculate Allele Frequencies

  • snpeff_annotate_variants: variant annotation and functional effect prediction
  • gatk_variants_to_table: extract variant information into a table
  • python - calculate allele frequencies and transform the summary table from wide to long format

Project dependencies:

  • Conda - an open-source package management system and environment management system that runs on various platforms, including Windows, MacOS, Linux

  • Snakemake - a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style.

Where to start

  • Install conda for your operating System (the pipeline is currently tested on Linux and MacOS):

  • Clone this project using the following command in your terminal:

    • git clone
  • Type the following command in your terminal to navigate into the cloned directory using the command below. This will be the root directory of the project:

    • cd snakemake-illuminaVarGATK
  • Note: All subsequent commands should be run from the root directory of this project. However, users can modify the scripts to their liking

Directory structure

  • Below is the default directory structure:
    • config/ - contains the Snakemake-configuration files
    • input/ - contains input files
      • bed/ - contains the bed files for specifying the intervals of interest
      • fastq/ - contains the FastQ files
      • known_sites/ - contains the positive-training dataset for variant filtering
    • output/ - contains numbered-output directories from the analysis
    • workflow/ - contains the Snakemake workflow files
      • envs/ - contains the Conda environment-configuration files
      • scripts/ - contains the scripts used in the pipeline
|-- config
|-- input
|   |-- bed
|   |-- fastq
|   -- known_sites
|-- output
|-- workflow
    |-- envs
    |-- scripts
  • This pipeline uses global_wildcards() to match FastQ sample names and mate files in the input/fastq/ directory, using the naming convention below:

    • reads_R1.fastq.gz = first mate
    • reads_R2.fastq.gz = second mate
    • If you have a different naming convention (eg. this), you can rename the FastQ files by executing the python script in the workflow/scripts/ directory:
      • python workflow/scripts/
    • Therefore, the user can deposit their FastQ files in the input/fastq/ directory or edit the config/config.yaml file to point to the directory with FastQ files and the pipeline will automatically match the sample names and mates files
  • The configuration file (config/config.yaml) specifies additional resources and can be modified to suit one's needs, such as:

    • Input files
    • Output directories,
    • The option to choose between tools and methods, e.g.:
      • fastp or trimmomatic for read trimming
      • gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark or samblaster for marking duplicates
      • hard or soft filtering of variants
    • Other parameters, such as the number of threads to use

Running the analysis

After navigating into the root directory of the project, run the analysis by executing the following commands in your terminal to:

  1. Create a conda analysis environment by running the command below in your terminal. This will create a conda environment named variant-calling-gatk and install Snakemake and SnpEff and Graphviz (for visualizing the workflow) in the environment. Note: This only needs to be done once.

    • conda env create --file workflow/envs/environment.yaml
  2. Activate the conda environment by running the command below in your terminal. Note: This needs to be done every time you exit and restart your terminal and want re-run this pipeline

    • conda activate variant-calling-gatk
  3. Execute the shell script below to create the SnpEff database for variant annotation. This will download the P. falciparum genome data from PlasmoDB and create a database in the output/ directory. Note: This is an important step because the genome-FASTA and GFF files are required for read-mapping and variant calling. It can also be modified to suit one's needs such as download genome files for your organism of interest:

    • bash workflow/scripts/
  4. Finally, execute the whole Snakemake pipeline by running the following command in your terminal:

    • snakemake --use-conda --cores 2 --jobs 1
    • This will run the whole pipeline using a maximum of two cores and one job in parallel. The --cores flag specifies the number of cores to use for each job and the --jobs flag specifies the number of jobs to run in parallel.
    • If you want to run the pipeline using more resources, you can increase the number of cores and jobs. For example, to run the pipeline using 4 cores and 2 jobs in parallel, run the following command:
      • snakemake --use-conda --cores 4 --jobs 2
    • Additionally, you can change the threads entry in line 3 of the configuration file (config/config.yaml) to specify the number of cores to use for each step in the pipeline.
  5. Once the analysis is complete, look through output/ directory to view the results of the analysis

  6. Summary statistics can be generated with stand alone scripts in the workflow/scripts/ directory:

    • To do this, create an conda environment with the following command:
      • conda env create --file workflow/envs/variant-calling-stats.yaml
      • activate the conda environment by running the following command: conda activate variant-calling-stats
    • To generate a summary of the raw reads, run the following command and look through the stats_1_raw_fastq.tsv file in the project directory:
      • python workflow/scripts/
    • To generate a summary of the trimmed reads, run the following command and look through the stats_2_trimmed_fastq.tsv file:
      • python workflow/scripts/
    • To generate a summary of the mapped reads, run the following command and look through the stats_3_mapped_reads.tsv file:
      • python workflow/scripts/
    • To generate a summary of the variants called, run the following command and look through the stats_4_variant_calling.tsv file:
      • bash workflow/scripts/
    • Exit this conda environment by running the following command:
      • conda deactivate variant-calling-stats
  7. Finally, you can deactivate the variant calling conda environment by running the following command:

    • conda deactivate variant-calling-gatk

Feedback and Issues

Report any issues or bugs by openning an issue here or contact me via email at wamaekevin[at]