Kotlin Programing Learning course
- Concise: less verbose than Java
- Safe programming language
- Interoperable with Java
- Everything in Kotlin is public and final by default
You can use == to check structural equality and === to verify referential equality
Kotlin allow the use of spelled operators: 'and', 'or', 'xor'
After verifyng the instance of an variable, you can treat the variable as if it is already casted Under the wood, the compiler performs a casting operation for us
$ sign allows the print the value of a variable inside a string text $ and curly braces '${}' together prints the avaluation of an expression. Ex: ${a+b}
When you use triple quoted strings, you don't have o scape characters. It can contains line breaks but it cannot has tabs
- There are no basic data type in Kotlin. Every variable is an object
- When not informed, the data type is inferred accordingdly with the data value
- Kotlin does not convert/cast variables automatically
- Every data types has two functions that allows conversion to other data types
- Kotlin compiles objects to primitive types under the wood
- Int
- Long
- Double
- Short
- Byte
- String
- Float
- Char
- Boolean
- Any
- Nothing
Collection of elements
When the array type is not informed, the compiler will infer the type
Arrays can be initialized with lambda expression
It is possible to mix data types in arrays
By using the primitive type array performance boost is generated
In order to interoperate with Java, primitive array must be passed as arguments
Primitive arrays allows to specify the size and all indexes will be initialized with the value zero
Null can not be the value of a non-null
If you want to sign a null value to a variable you have to explicit tell the compiler that with a question mark after the type of the variable
Kotlin enforces to do a Null check before using a nullable object interfaces
Safe call operator / Safe access (?):
Whenever you are using a nullable variable, you must always use the question mark when refering to the variable
If the variable is null, the expression will be evaluated to null
If it is not null, the kotlin will evaluate the expression
Elvis operator (?:):
- Allows to assign a default value when an expression evaluates to null
Safe casting operator (as?):
- Allows to cast a variable and assigns null if is not possible to perform the casting
Not Null Assetion
Kotlin provides a way to tell the compiler that you are absolutily positive that the variable will not contain null ? by following the expression with 2 exclamation marks (!!)
Let function
- Uses the object tha calls it as a parameter to the lambda and safe execute a block if the object is not null
Array of Nulls
- Kotlin has a interface to create array of nulls as follow
val nullableInts = arrayOfNulls<Int?>(5)
Visibility in Kotlin depends on either you are dealing with top level elements (public by default) or elements that are class members.
The default visibility of top level elements is public. If an element is private, then everything in the same file can access it. If you don't specify the modifier, the declaration is public
Yu can have as many class as you want in a fle. The file name doesn't have to match the class name
In Kotlin, you can use private in classes
There are four visibility modifiers:
- public - Visible everywhere
- private - Visible within the same file
- protected - can't be accessed / used
- internal - visible within the same module
In Kotlin inner classes can't be acccessed by the classes that declares the inner classes It enforces its visiblity rules at compile time
In Kotlin, all classes are public and final by default
Default and empty constructor is generated by the compiler once a new class is created
Kotlin has a notion of primarily constructor and that constructor is defined outside the curly braces
class Employee constructor(firstName: String){ val firstName: String init { this.firstName = firstName }Kotlin generates boilerplate code for properties once we use the reserved words val/var in the constructor
class Employee(val firstName: String){ }Secondary constructor do not declare class properties. If we need a new property, we have to declare it
class Employee(val firstName: String){ val fullTime: Boolean constructor(firstName: String, val fullTime: Boolean): this(firstName) { } }We can assign default values the primary constructor properties
class Employee(val firstName: String, var fullTime: Boolean = true){ }You can steel having a secondary constructors without having a primary constructor
###Properties access and backing field
Kotlin allows the genereate gettters and setter for properties but the definition of those methods must come immidiatelly after the property declaration and to return the proerty value, we must use the field identifier
class Employee(val firstName: String, fullTime: Boolean = true){ var fullTime: Boolean = fullTime get() { return field } }
###Data Class
Kotlin as special identifier for classes that store data only: data
To define a data classe, just start the declaration with data
Data classes come with nice toString funtion, as well a custom implementation of equals and hasCode functions and a copy function
Data classes have to meet certain requirements:
- They must have at least one parameter on the primary constructor
- All the primary constructor parameters have to be marked var or val
- Data classes cannot be abstract, sealed or inner classes
Functions with curly braces : block body
Functions without curly braces has an equal sign to return the function value : expression body
Functions that returns nothing actually returns Void under the cover
When it comes to function parameters, we always have to specify the parameter's type
Named arguments: it is possible to associate parameter values with names, which let specific the parameters in any order
We can use special word vararg in a function signature when it will receive any number of arguments of specific type. We can only have one vararg parameter on the function signature and, if we need to add another parameter we must use named parameter because the compiler won't know to which variable it should assign the values. In order to solve this, vararg arguments should be placed as the last argument
The spread operator will unpack an array and passes the elements as individual arguments. The spread operator is the asterisk All you have to do is to put it in front of the array variable
Kotlin provides the ability to extend a class functionalities through association by bounding a function to a class (Receiver Type) we are pseudo extending.
To do that just add the class name and dot in front of the function name. We no longer need the function arguments because the scope of the pseudo function will consider the object the is invoking the extended function.
Also, we no longer need the use of the expresssion 'this'.
After this association, IntelliJ now suggests the new function as if it is part of the class
In order to turn classes extendable and allow overriding operation, we need to use the keyword open in front of it
When a class is defined as abstract there is no need to use the keyword open
It is necessary to defined primary constructor and delegate the subclasses constructor parameters
To override a function from an abstract class we need to add the override keyword on the extended class (subclass) and open the superclass function
Just like the classes, abstract functions are open by default and all subclasses have to add override the implementation
Overrides something means that that thing is open
If we need to prevent that subclasses overrides superclasses functions, we must use the final keyword at the function
The primary constructor signatures for the parent and child classes doesn't have to match
Data classes are close tight. They can't be extended nor abstract
Interfaces are open and extendable by default
Classes can implement more than one interface
Interfaces can have properties and there properties doesn't have to be abstract. It is possible to have accessors for them and sub interfaces can override the accessors
Properties initializers is not allow in interfaces. Instead, we can use custom get However, the backfield are not available for interfaces
The Object keyword allows to declare a class and its instance at the same time
There are tree use cases for the object keyword:
- Singleton:
- there is no constructor
- there is no need to instantiate the singleton class.
- the JVM will create the one singleton object when the class is invoked at first time
- use the class name to access the object properties and functions
- Companion objects:
- equivalent to Java static functionality, it allows to acccess a class properties and functions without having an instance of the class
- the accessible properties and functions must be in a block prefixed with
companion object
and can be invoked by class name - You can use them to call private constructor and implement the Factory Pattern- Object expressions: allow the use of anonymous object to implement interfaces
Enums in Kotlin has the same structure and syntax as JAVA
It is necessary to use a semicolon after the last enum value and before defining functions in enums
This is the only exception to the no semicolon rule in Kotlin
Enums values can implement abstract functions declared by the Enum itself
In Kotlin, package name doesn't have to match the directory structure name. Although it is highly recommended following this practice
Top level function can be imported from different packages
It is not possible to import from other modules unless there a module dependency between the
Import alias allows to give names to the imported classes / functions / top level functions / extension functions using
keywordCTRL + ALT + O cleans up all unsed imports