Query mithril virtual dom for testing purposes
npm install mithril-query --save-dev
In order to run tests in mithril 1.0 we need to do some setup. That is to mock the dom for the mithril render and request modules. This can be done by requiring a 'setup' file in your 'mocha' tests with the following contents.
global.window = Object.assign(require('mithril/test-utils/domMock.js')(), require('mithril/test-utils/pushStateMock')())
You can run this tests serverside or use browserify and run them in browsers.
// simple module: simple.js
var m = require('mithril')
module.exports = {
view: function () {
return m('div', [
m('span', 'spanContent'),
m('#fooId', 'fooContent'),
m('.barClass', 'barContent')
// test for simple module: simple.test.js
/* eslint-env mocha */
global.window = Object.assign(require('mithril/test-utils/domMock.js')(), require('mithril/test-utils/pushStateMock')())
var simpleModule = require('./simple')
var mq = require('mithril-query')
describe('simple module', function () {
it('should generate appropriate output', function () {
var output = mq(simpleModule)
output.should.have('div > span')
Run the test with
mocha simple.test.js
First call mithril-query
with either a vnode or a component. You can call it
with one extra argument wich will be used as attrs
in the component case.
Closure Components
are currently only supported as part of the tree, not directly as argumend to
function. Supporting this will result in a breaking change, because it
conflicts with the call with a view function as first argument, what is
deprecated now.
var mq = require('mithril-query')
// plain vnode
var out = mq(m('div'))
// view function - DEPRECATED! don't use.
function myView(text) {
return m('div', text)
var out = mq(myView, 'huhu')
// Use this instead!
var out = mq({
view: () => myView('huhu')
// component
var myComponent = {
view: function (vnode) {
return m('div', vnode.attrs.text)
var out = mq(myComponent, { text: 'huhu' })
As you can see mq
returns an out
-Object which has the following query-API.
We use cssauron as engine,
so look there if you want to see, what selector
s are possible.
– Returns the first element that matches the selector.out.find(selector)
– Returns all elements that match the selector.out.has(selector)
– Returnstrue
if any element in tree matches the selector, otherwisefalse
– Returnstrue
if any element in tree contains the string, otherwisefalse
.out.log(selector, [logFN])
– Small helper function to log out what was selected. Mainly for debugging purposes. You can give an optional function which is called with the result. It defaults toconsole.log
You can use these nice assertions. They throw errors if they're not fullfiled. See the example in the example folder.
out.should.have([count], selector)
Throws if no element is found with selector. If count
is given, it throws if
count does not match.
– Throws if an element is found with selector.out.should.have.at.least(count, selector)
– Throws if there a fewer thancount
elements matching the selectorout.should.have([selector0, selector1, selector2])
– Throws there aren't at least one element for each selector.out.should.contain(string)
– Throws if no element containsstring
- Throws if any element containsstring
It is also possible to trigger element events like onfocus
and onclick
and set values on <input>
-fields. This allows you to write "integration tests" that run also on serverside.
Attention: Currently there is no event bubbleing supported.
out.click(selector, [event], [silent])
– Runsonclick
for first element that matches selector. Optionalevent
is given as event. Optionssilent
-Flag signals that no redraw should happen.event.redraw = false
is respected.out.setValue(selector, string, [silent])
– Runsoninput
for first element that matches selector. Event contains the value asevent.target.value
.out.trigger(selector, eventname, [event], [silent])
– General purpose event triggerer. Callseventname
on first matching element givingevent
as event.
It also supports key events
out.keydown(selector, keycode, [event])
– callsonkeydown
out.keydown(selector, keyname, [event])
– calseonkeydown
with keycode mapped from name. Mapping is done with this lib.
, keypress
are supported as well.
You can also use auto rendering like mithril does. If you call the query function with a module, it instantiates the module the same way as mithril does. When using one of the upper events, redraw of the view is automatically called.
// module code
var module = {
oninit: function (vnode) {
vnode.state = {
visible: true,
toggleMe: function () { vnode.state.visible = !vnode.state.visible }
view: function (vnode) {
return m(vnode.state.visible ? '.visible' : '.hidden', {
onclick: vnode.state.toggleMe
}, 'Test')
// actual test
var out = mq(module)
out.click('.hidden', null, true)
As you can see, you can prevent autoredraw by providing a true
as last
argument to click
You can also manually trigger redraw:
var out = mq(module)
If you need to access the rendered root element you can simply access it with
If you've rendered a component it might be handy to access the vnode directly.
This can be with out.vnode
var myComponent = {
view: function (vnode) {
vnode.state.baz = 'foz'
var out = mq(myComponent)
To trigger onremove
-handlers of all initialised components, just call out.onremove()