Updates activity status on discord bot and displays how many players are connect to your rust server from rest api
Written in Python and requires version 3.8^ else you will get errors.
- Support rust-servers.info
- Support rust-servers.net
- Bot update status every 3 minutes
# Bot token and not client secret.
token = <your token here>
# 1 = rust-servers.info
# 2 = rust-servers.net
apiSite = 2
# example:
# rust-servers.info: https://api.rust-servers.info/status/106
# rust-servers.net: https://rust-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=detail&key={ServerKey}
apiUrl = https://rust-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=detail&key=
- token = Your bot token from discord.
- apiSite: To use rust-servers.info, set apiSite = 1, rust-servers.net, set apiSite = 2.
- apiUrl: Use full url, for rust-servers.info: example: https://api.rust-servers.info/status/ and rust-servers.net: https://rust-servers.net/api/?object=servers&element=detail&key={ServerKey}
- Client secret is used to invite the bot to your server. Token is used for the bot to connect to discord.
Download it as zip or use:
git clone https://github.com/kennethrisa/discord-rustserverstatus-python.git
run command to install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
edit config.ini file with correct parameters
Before you start the bot, I assumes that you know have to created a discord bot and invited it to your server.
Start the bot:
python app.py or python3 app.py