Go lang SDK for processing payments through Beanstream
The Go Lang SDK for Beanstream lets you take payments, save payment profiles, and run reports on your transactions. It's easy to get started, just follow the steps below.
The master version of this SDK requires GoLang 1.6+. There is a v1.4+ available on this branch.
Import the project directly from Github:
import beanstream "github.com/Beanstream/beanstream-go"
Run Go Get (or let your IDE do it)
go get
import (
beanstream "github.com/Beanstream/beanstream-go"
config := beanstream.DefaultConfig()
config.MerchantId = "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID"
config.PaymentsApiKey = "YOUR_PAYMENTS_API_KEY"
config.ProfilesApiKey = "YOUR_PROFILES_API_KEY"
config.ReportingApiKey = "YOUR_REPORTS_API_KEY"
gateway := beanstream.Gateway{config}
request := beanstream.PaymentRequest{
PaymentMethod: paymentMethods.CARD,
OrderNumber: beanstream.Util_randOrderId(6),
Amount: 12.99,
Card: beanstream.CreditCard{
Name: "John Doe",
Number: "5100000010001004",
ExpiryMonth: "11",
ExpiryYear: "19",
Cvd: "123",
Complete: true}}
res, err := gateway.Payments().MakePayment(request)
Whether it is a bug fix or a new feature improvement feel free to fork the project and send us pull requests. We are always excited to work with the community to improve the project. We even have code bounties as a reward for great contributions. So never hesitate to send improvements our way!
If you want to help improve the project, follow the steps below to get your dev environment set up.
git clone https://github.com/Beanstream/beanstream-go
go get github.com/stretchr/testify
Or if you use LiteIDE you can just add the Testify import (defined below in the next step) and hit the G (Get) Button on the toolbar
Import 'testing' and 'testify/assert' in your test file:
import (
If you are using LiteIDE you can add:
// +build unit integration
to the top of your unit test files. Make SURE to add a blank line after that!! Then add
-tags=unit integration
to the TESTARGS settings parameter.
The unit tests will now run during the unit and integration phases. Ie. all the time.
If you are using LiteIDE then you will want to configure it to have a separate integration test button.
a) open [liteIde_install_dir]/share/liteide.litebuild/gosec.xml
b) add this custom tag:
<custom id="IntegrationTestArgs" name="INTEGRATIONTESTARGS" value="-v -tags=integration"/>
c) add this action tag:
<action id="TestIntegration" menu="Test" img="blue/test.png" key = "Ctrl+Shift+T" cmd="$(GO)" args="test $(INTEGRATIONTESTARGS) ./..." save="all" output="true" codec="utf-8" regex="$(ERRREGEX)" takeall="true" navigate="true"/>
d) save the file, close and re-open LiteIDE. You should see a TestIntegration button under T