Converts a pdf file to a text file.
To run this script:
python3 [rmpat=]{TRUE/FALSE} {pdf filepath} {outputdir}
The rmpat=TRUE
argument condition will delete sequences in the patterns 01 * word or word * 01. This pattern can be changed by editing the pattern in the rmpat() function in the cleanstr class in
Converts a pdf file to a list of paragraphs and a list of sentences.
Brackets signify that the sequence of characters (variable names) are optional.
Can run in virtual environment after running this command:
```{sudo} sh ``
(this file gets the python packages from requirements.txt)
To run this script: (excluding the brackets)
python3 [rmpat=]{TRUE/FALSE} [pdfdir=]{pdf filepath} [outputdir]={outputdir}
(make sure to use make the format
python3 rmpat=FALSE pdfdir=/home/... outputdir=/home/.../
(without spaces in any other positions and avoiding use of tildes)
The rmpat=TRUE
argument condition will delete sequences in the patterns 01 * word or word * 01. This pattern can be changed by editing the pattern in the rmpat() function in the cleanstr class in
Converts a pdf file to a list of lines of text.
To run this script:
python3 {pdf filepath} {outputdir}
pdfdir refers (again) to the full filepath.
This script puts boxes around text given an image.
image_filepath can be an image file of a page from a pdf file. output_file should be an image file or filepath.
To run this script: (excluding the brackets)
python3 {image_filepath} {outputfile}
(default values for these two arguments can be set in the script below)
This script puts boxes around text given an image, excluding the margins of the image. Modified version of with this added condition.
image_filepath can be an image file of a page from a pdf file. output_file should be an image file or filepath.
To run this script:
python3 image_filepath {OUTPUT_FILE=}[filename] X_MIN=[INT] Y_MIN=[INT]
(The arguments OUTPUT_FILE, X_MIN (distance on x-axis from edge), and Y_MIN (distance on y-axis from edge), are optional, and the OUTPUT_FILE argument can be anywhere after the image_filepath and does not even need to be labeled with OUTPUT_FILE= in front of it.)
Makes one image that is cropped from an image in order to capture the part of the image with text, for single image, excluding the margins.
function that is commented out will result in red rectanges: may be used to keep track of which script was used where.)
To run:
python3 <image_filepath> <output_filepath>
Makes one image that is cropped from an image in order to capture the part of the image with text, for the png image files found in an entire directory (top part of directory), excluding the margins.
( cv2.rectangle()
function that is commented out will result in green rectanges: may be used to keep track of which script was used where.)
To run:
python3 <input_directory> <output_directory>
(Last argument optional, input_directory argument can be ommitted if output is ommitted.)
This script puts boxes around text given an image (excluding text found near the margins).
image_filepath can be an image file of a page from a pdf file.
output_file should be the output directory.
This script produces images of each individual cropped word (often will crop smaller segments than words) in the format cropped_wordN.png (where N stands for a number starting with 0) and an image containing the outermost points of these words' bounding boxes, as cropped_words.png.
To run this script:
python3 image_filepath output_directory
Run this bash script in order to run over a whole directory, automatically making new directories for each page (as a PNG).
Run with 'bash' Make sure to change inputdir, input_file, outputdir (variables within the bash file) (I have the below as defaults to showcase usage)
Converts a page from a PDF file to PNG.
To run this script:
python3 "pages.pdf" {page_number}
Page numbers (represented by filenames of png output files) begin from the number 1.
Converts each page of a PDF file into a separate PNG for the PNG files to be used in other scripts.
To run:
python3 {pdf_filepath} {output_directory}