KEDA Chart: v2.16.0
Chart: v2.16.0 | App: v2.16.0
helm repo add kedacore
helm repo update
helm install keda kedacore/keda --version 2.16.0 -n keda --create-namespace
What is new?
- Support for KEDA v2.16.0
- Replace wildcards in RBAC objects with explicit resources and verbs (#682
- Update cloudeventsource type list (#683)
- Add appProtocol to services collecting metrics using mTLS (#688)
- Update status about triggers and authentications types (#700)
New Contributors
- @seankhliao made their first contribution in #678
- @noyoshi made their first contribution in #684
- @Rotzke made their first contribution in #674
- @legal90 made their first contribution in #682
- @guicholeo made their first contribution in #688
- @or-shachar made their first contribution in #694
Full Changelog: v2.15.1...v2.16.0