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Paride Azzari edited this page Aug 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Through the campaign endpoint you can find and list the campaigns, achieve the API Goals and add or remove contacts from a specific sequence in a campaign. The campaign model has the following attributes:

  "created_by_global_id" => int
  "date_created" => datetime
  "error_message" => string
  "goals" => array
  "id" => int
  "locked" => bool
  "name" => string
  "published_date" => datetime
  "published_status" => bool
  "sequences" => array
  "timezone" => string


The method list retrieves a list of all the campaigns.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

    'limit' => ?int,
    'offset' => ?int,
    'order' => ?string,
    'order_direction' => ?string, //ASCENDING or DESCENDING
    'search_text' => ?string,

This method accepts different optional parameters, to query on:

  • limit is the amount of campaigns to return, it defaults to 1000.
  • offset is the first item that starts the set, it defaults to 0.
  • order is the attribute to order campaigns by. It can be id, name, published_date, completed_contact_count, active_contact_count, date_created, last_updated.
  • order_direction can be either ASCENDING or DESCENDING
  • search_text is optional text to search.

It returns an array with all the retrieved Campaign Models.


The method count returns the count of items in the query.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

    'search_text' => ?string,

As for the list, this method accepts an optional parameter search_text to query campaign on.


The find method allows to retrieve the campaign model from the id of the campaign.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

Keap::campaign()->find($campaign_id, ['sequences', 'goals']);

This method returns the campaign model or null if not found.

The second argument as array is optional. These are additional properties to be returned with the model.


The method achieve achieves the goal as completed for a given contact id and call name.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

    int $contact_id,
    string $call_name,
    ?string $integration

An API goal can be achieved through this method. The arguments are:

  • contact_id the id of the contact,
  • call_name the name of the call, it gets decided on the campaign builder,
  • integration is the name of the integration, it is optional.

If no integration is specified the default integration stated in the config file keap.php will be used. Read more about the config file here.

This method returns true if the call was successfull.

Add To Sequence

The method addToSequence adds one or more contacts to a sequence of a specific campaign.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

    int $campaign_id,
    int $sequence_id
    array | int $contact_id,

You can add one contact (int) or an array of contact ids, you can add them to the sequence of a campaign, by their respective ids. It will return an array with each ids as follows:

    $id_1 => 'SUCCESS',
    $id_2 => 'SUCCESS',

Remove From Sequence

The method removeFromSequence removes one or more contacts to a sequence of a specific campaign.

use KeapGeek\Keap\Facades\Keap;

    int $campaign_id,
    int $sequence_id
    array | int $contact_id,

You can remove one contact (as int) or an array of contact ids. Through this endpoint you can remove them from the sequence of a specific campaign.

This methods just returns true if the request succeeded.

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