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This website was built for my personal stock analysis purposes. I typically rely on fundamental analysis for my personal investments, using the following methodology:
- Preliminary analysis looking at market cap, PS/PE ratios, current ratio, revenue/earnings trends, gross/net margins, etc.
- Read 10-Qs and 10-Ks to understand the company.
- Listen to earnings conference calls to understand the viewpoints of the leaders, and to listen to how they answer questions to pick up verbal and non-verbal clues.
In other words, step 1 above is a data-driven quantitative process, whereas steps 2 & 3 are qualitative processes which require me to read/listen between the lines and make my own judgement. As such, I wanted to automate step 1 of my stock analysis process, which would have otherwise took about 30min - 1hr per stock.
With this project, all I need to do is key in a stock ticker symbol (NYSE and NASDAQ supported), and it will instantly do up the same preliminary analysis in a click of a button.
Example analysis of AAPL stock (correct as of 15 Aug 2022):