means 'track down' in Latin
A very simple and lightweight visitor tracker middleware for Express.js servers.
I needed an extremely simple way to visualize how many users visit my web apps, so I built this really simple drop-in middleware to do it. Platforms like gtag and segment can be overkill.
# Install using npm
npm install indago --save
# or yarn
yarn add indago
const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const Indago = require('indago');
const app = express();
const analyticsTracker = new Indago.Tracker({
template: {
// Custom analytics properties
imageFolderSize: 0 // Example property
// Path to save analytics data
savePath: __dirname + '/analytics.json',
// How fast the IPs should be cleared.
// Should be the average session length. Defaults to 10 minutes
clearIPsInterval: 10 * 60000,
// This string is displayed next to the login prompt on some browsers.
realm: 'example analytics',
// Defaults to false for no dashboard route authentication
authentication: {
// Choose only one method of dashboard authentication:
// 1. Username and Password
username: 'root',
password: 'securepassword123',
// plaintext
// 2. Base64 Authentication Header Code
base64: 'cm9vdDpzZWN1cmVwYXNzd29yZDMxMg==',
// atob('cm9vdDpzZWN1cmVwYXNzd29yZDMxMg==') === 'root:securepassword312'
// 3. SHA256 Hash of Base64 Authentication Header Code
hexHash: '68832558e77a2f66eb7703a4813b284fc49e086db75f232029ab269d0a494f55'
// SHA256 Hash of 'cm9vdDpzZWN1cmVwYXNzd29yZDMxMg=='
// Called every 10 seconds
onTick: async () => {
if(Indago.Ticker('Update Image Folder Size', 10000)) { // Updates the image folder size property every 10 seconds
imageFolderSize: await getImageFolderSize()
// Called when a request is made to the analytics dashboard route
onDashboardRequest: (req, res) => {},
app.use('/_analytics', analyticsTracker.analyticsMW());
app.get('/', analyticsTracker.trackerMW(), (req, res) => {
doSetupTask().then(async () => {
await setupDatabaseOrSomethingSimilar();
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('listening on *:3000');
Then go to the route you've set to see the dashboard.