CS61B Bear Maps
BearMaps is a Google Maps inspired clone for the vicinity of the UC Berkeley campus. It is capable of performing most features you would expect of a mapping application. The "smart" features of the application include map dragging/zooming, map rasterization, A* search algorithm between two points, and an auto-complete search feature.
Feature | Description |
RasterAPIHandler | Renders map images given a user's requested area and level of zoom. |
AugmentedStreetMapGraph | Graph representation of the contents of Berkeley Open Street Map data. |
AStarSolver | The A* search algorithm to find the shortest path between two points in Berkeley. |
MyTrieSet | A TrieSet backs the autocomplete search feature, matching a prefix to valid location names in Θ(k) time, where k in the number of words sharing the prefix. |
KDTree | A K-Dimensional Tree backs the A* search algorithm, allowing efficient nearest neighbor lookup averaging O(log(n)) time. |
ArrayHeapMinPQ | A min-heap priority queue backs the A* search algorithm. |