Before making any changes to your config, take a quick peek and make a backup just in case.
- Arch Linux Linux Distribution
- xfce Desktop Environment
- Github CLI github command line
- fzf search files and folders
- zoxide - Directory jumper
- kitty Unix Terminal
- Windows Terminal Windows Terminal
- bat a cat similar
- exa a modern replacement for ls
- starship cross-shell prompt
- neofetch system information utility
- tmux Terminal multiplexer
- Nerd fonts - a Patched fonts, (i use JetBrainsMono and Hack)
- Neovim hyperextensible Vim-based text editor
- NvChad a Neovim workflow, along with custom plugins to enhance the experience
- Zed a high-performance, multiplayer code editor builtin rust
- Powershell Shell
- scoop Package manager
- Teminal-Icons file and folder icons
- PSReadLine readline implementation
- Fish shell Shell
- Fisher - Fish plugin manager