If you need to future information about API document Please visit RESTful Document
First of all, You need to make an account on Kavenegar from Here
After that you just need to pick API-KEY up from My Account section.
- You need CMake tool for building source code
- Get Curl & RapidJson [Pay Attention: RapidJson is header only]
- All source code is written with Pure STL 1z (C++17)
- MSVC 2017, GCC7.x or Glang 7.x
- Add KavenegarLib.dll [on Windows], KavenegarLib.dylib [on macOS] or KavenegarLib.so [on Linux] for your project as external library.
- Import SDK common header
#include <Kavenegar>
#include <iostream>
#include <Kavenegar>
int main()
//! Your Api Key
std::string apiKey {"Your Api-Key"};
//! Kavenegar Default Sender Number
std::string senderLine {"10004346"};
//! Http/Https Request method GET/POST type [default is Get method]
Kavenegar::Method MethodType { Kavenegar::Method::GET };
Kavenegar::KavenegarApi api(MethodType ,"10004346",apiKey);
//ToDo.. try catch exception handling.
std::cout << "Result : " << api.getResult(); //JSon Output
return 0;
Bug fixes, docs, and enhancements welcome! Please let me know [email protected]
- New features
- Exception handling
- Post method development
- Etc...