This project aims to be a port of graphql/graphql-js written in Hack.
There already exists a PHP port at webonyx/graphql-php, this port will be different in that it tries to be idiomatic as a Hack port. That means it will use Hack collections whenever possible, but more importantly, like the original JavaScript implementation, it can support asynchronous execution, which will allow one to use a Hack port (not sure if it exists, yet, but it should be easy to create) of facebook/dataloader to implement efficient fetching, caching of data.
I intend to create this port in such a way that it will be easy for me to continue keeping it up to date with the original JavaScript implementation. I will port all the original tests as well. The hope is that, once this port is finished and the JavaScript implementation keeps changing, I can watch the changes and apply them in this implementation as well.
- graphql/language - Almost all of this module is ported. With exception of
. This means that it is possible to lex and parse the GraphQL language and it is possible to pretty print GraphQL back out again. - graphql/type - This will be the next in line. This module the one responsible for defining a GraphQL schema.
- graphql/language : missing pieces - Implement the remaining visitor methods described above.
- graphql/validation - Implement the validation rules as per the GraphQL spec.
- graphql/execution - Implement the execution logic to actually execute a GraphQL query.
There might be pieces missing in the above mentioned plan, I will add them as I discover them. Like stated earlier, I intend this to be a complete port of graphql-js