A simple simulation on how blockchain works.
Live Demo : https://karlptrck.github.io/blockchain-demo/
This app is a basic model of a blockchain with the following functionalities:
- Genesis Block creation based on pre-defined difficulty level
- Reset blockchain with user-defined difficulty level
- Add block to the chain
- Ability to change data field in the existing block
- A mutation in previous block making its hash invalid after pressing re-mine button, all subsequent blocks becomes invalid as well
- Ability to re-mine the invalid blocks
- VueJS : App framework
- Vuex : state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications
- BootstrapVue : CSS
- Web Workers : used to run scripts in background threads
- Webpack Worker-loader : a webpack loader that registers a script as a Web Worker
- EthersJS : for cryptographic functions
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint