This repository contains all the source codes for ML tutorials available for YouTube.
- Machine Learning Types
- Classification and Regression Difference
- Linear Regression Mathematically
- Linear Regression Python Implementation
- Other ways to implement Linear Regression in Python
- Mean Squared Error Intuition with Python Implementation
- R-Squared Intuition and Python Implementation
- R-Squared without Predictors Intuition & Python Code
- Gradient Descent Loss Optimizer
- Gradient Descent Python Implementation from Scratch
- Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression Python Implementation
- Confusion Matrix Concept and Python Implementation
- Precision and Recall Concept and Python Implementation
- F1 Score Concept and Python Implementation
- Log Loss with Python Implementation
- Gradient Descent for Logistic Regression with Implementation
- Pandas Walkthrough
- Train Test Split
- Simple Imputation
- Label Encoding
- One Hot Encoding
- Frequent Count Imputation
- K Nearest Neighbors - Conceptualization and Implementation
- Type I and Type II Error
- Sensitivity and Specificity with FPR
- ROC Curve and AUC
- Normalization
- Standardization
- Decision Trees
- Entropy
- Information Gain
- Gini Impurity
- Random Forest with Bias Variance Concepts
- Cross Validation Practical Implementation
- Grid Search CV
- AdaBoost
- Support Vector Machines
- SVM Kernels
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