In order to contribute, you must first install Git on your machine:
The easiest way to get all the Git tools is to download GitHub Desktop. This will install Git, Git shell, GitHub Desktop, and keep you up to date.
- Create a GitHub account
- From GitHub Home, navigate to the repository you'd like to contribute to (e.g. ms-iot/content)
- Click Fork
- Clone the repository in one of several ways:
- Command line
`git clone [link to forked .git] [NameYourLocalFolder] `
Launch the GitHub app
Click 'Clone in Desktop'
Clone using the GitHub Desktop application.
Using your own git flow (e.g. sourcetree)
For clarification:
local repository:: the cloned repository that you have one on your machine
forked repository:: the fork you made from the main repository. This sits up on GitHub's servers. (Also known as "origin")
main repository: the original repository that you forked from. This is the common ms-iot repository hosted on GitHub's servers. (Also known as "upstream")