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Driverless (Non-commercial use only!)

Note: This project is moving away from the selenium syntax

Downloads Documentation

  • Use Selenium without chromedriver
  • Currently passes Cloudflare, Bet365, Turnstile, and others
  • Multiple tabs simultaneously
  • Multiple Incognito-contexts with isolated cookies & local storage
  • Proxy-auth support (example code)
  • Network-interception (documentation)
  • Single requests (documentation)

Getting detected with interactions?

CDP-Patches (headfull only) should fix this
(will integrate it at some time)


Feel free to join the Driverless-Community on Discord:)

Also, see dev-branch for the latest implementations.

dev-installation (click to expand)
pip uninstall -y selenium-driverless
pip install


This project is currently not being sponsored.




with asyncio

from selenium_driverless import webdriver
from import By
import asyncio

async def main():
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    async with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
        await driver.get('', wait_load=True)
        await driver.sleep(0.5)
        await driver.wait_for_cdp("Page.domContentEventFired", timeout=15)
        # wait 10s for elem to exist
        elem = await driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '/html/body/div[2]/div/main/p[2]/a', timeout=10)

        alert = await driver.switch_to.alert
        await alert.accept()

        print(await driver.title)


asyncified, bugs are to expect

example code
from selenium_driverless.sync import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
    driver.wait_for_cdp("Page.domContentEventFired", timeout=15)

    title = driver.title
    url = driver.current_url
    source = driver.page_source

custom debugger address

from selenium_driverless import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.debugger_address = ""

# specify if you don't want to run remote
# options.add_argument("--remote-debugging-port=2005")

async with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
  await driver.get('', wait_load=True)

Multiple tabs simultaneously

Note: asyncio is recommended, threading only works on independent webdriver.Chrome instances.

Example Code (Click to expand)
from selenium_driverless.sync import webdriver
from selenium_driverless.utils.utils import read
from selenium_driverless import webdriver
import asyncio

async def target_1_handler(target):
    await target.get('')
    print(await target.title)

async def target_2_handler(target):
    await target.get("about:blank")
    await target.execute_script(await script=read("/files/js/show_mousemove.js"))
    await target.pointer.move_to(500, 500, total_time=2)

async def main():
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    async with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
        target_1 = await driver.current_target
        target_2 = await driver.new_window("tab", activate=False)
        await asyncio.gather(
        await target_1.focus()
        input("press ENTER to exit")

Isolated execution contexts

  • execute javascript without getting detected ( in a isolated world)
Example Code (Click to expand)
from selenium_driverless.sync import webdriver
from selenium_driverless import webdriver
import asyncio

async def main():
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    async with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
        await driver.get('chrome://version')
        script = """
        const proxy = new Proxy(document.documentElement, {
          get(target, prop, receiver) {
            if(prop === "outerHTML"){
                console.log('detected access on "'+prop+'"', receiver)
                return "mocked value:)"
            else{return Reflect.get(...arguments)}
        Object.defineProperty(document, "documentElement", {
          value: proxy
        await driver.execute_script(script)
        src = await driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML", unique_context=True)
        mocked = await driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML", unique_context=False)
        print(src, mocked)

Pointer Interaction

see @master/tests/ for visualization

pointer = driver.current_pointer
move_kwargs = {"total_time": 0.7, "accel": 2, "smooth_soft": 20}

await pointer.move_to(100, 500)
await, 50, move_kwargs=move_kwargs, move_to=True)

Iframes / Frames

due swtich_to.frame() being deprecated for driverless, use this instead

iframes = await driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "iframe")
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
iframe_document = await iframes[0].content_document
# iframe_document.find_elements(...)

use preferences

from selenium_driverless import webdriver
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

 # recommended usage
options.update_pref("download.prompt_for_download", False)
# or
options.prefs.update({"download": {"prompt_for_download": False}})

# supported
options.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"download.prompt_for_download": False})

Multiple Contexts

  • different cookies for each context
  • A context can have multiple windows and tabs within
  • different proxy for each context
  • opens as a window as incognito
Example Code (Click to expand)
from selenium_driverless import webdriver
import asyncio

async def main():
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    async with webdriver.Chrome(options=options) as driver:
        context_1 = driver.current_context
        await driver.set_auth("username", "password", "localhost:5000")
        # proxy not supported on windows due to
        context_2 = await driver.new_context(proxy_bypass_list=["localhost"], proxy_server="http://localhost:5000")
        await context_1.current_target.get("")
        await context_2.get("")
        input("press ENTER to exit:)")

Custom exception handling

You can implement custom exception handling as following

import selenium_driverless
import sys
handler = (lambda e: print(f'Exception in event-handler:\n{e.__class__.__module__}.{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}',
sys.modules["selenium_driverless"].EXC_HANDLER = handler
sys.modules["cdp_socket"].EXC_HANDLER = handler


You found a bug? Feel free to open an issue:) You've got other questions or proposials? feel free to join the Driverless-Community on Discord or open a discusion\

Copyright and Author

Aurin Aegerter (aka Steve)



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License with an addition for Section 1(k) in the LEGAL CODE:

Commercial means primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
A business, project or public agreement with a commercial intent of any kind which profits more than, or equal to 7'000 US-Dollar per month, or any monetary equivalent to that, is not subject to this definition of NonCommercial.

If you wish to use this project commercially, you can contact the author for a custom License. This usually includes a fee of around 5-6% based on your current profit.


This project is meant for educational purposes only. Use it responsibly.
The Author does not provide any warranty and is not liable in any way for what or how it gets used.


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.